
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday: Chockablock morning!

At 5:30 am
this is what my desk looked like:
I am preparing a filipino talk
to give to the inmates
of our local jail.
I am going to share about
Grace for every Season.

My paper is on top
of a leather skirt
I am thinking of cutting up
to make into a journal.

At 6:30 am
this is what my desk looked like:

This is my
prayer journal.

At 8 am
I started on a
SCRAP book
tutorial for
Here I am cutting up
the leather skirt.

And here are some
scrap paper for the signatures.

Sorry for the dark pictures!
Don't have time to fix it!
Off to work now,
it is 8:30 am!

If you'd like to take a sneak peak
at what other people have on their work desk,
head over to Julia.
I guarantee you'll want to
join in on the fun!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

WOYWW: Mini book in progress

Here's a cardboard I coated
with wall putty
and painted with different colors.
After cutting the cardboard to the right size,
I used an awl to punch holes
to attach the signatures.
I just used crochet thread to
attach the signatures to the cover.

I used all sorts of paper for the pages.

This project is not yet finished.
I'm still looking through my stash of odds and ends
to see what I can put on the cover.

So far, there's a resin medallion.
I drew on a dictionary page and pasted it
on the back of the medallion.

I cut up an old leather skirt to make
the binding and the tie.
And for my morning prayers,
I did this to remember Matthew 13:8-9.
May I always let the Word fall on good soil
so I may bear much fruit!

If you'd like to take a sneak peak
at what other people have on their work desk,
head over to Julia.
I guarantee you'll want to
join in on the fun!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Buried Treasure: I am My Father's Daughter

I've reposted this as part of

Buried Treasure,

a collaborative project

that invites art bloggers

to dig up an old post and repost it.

This is one of my favorites!

When God created the world,

he found joy in the act of creating.

In Genesis 1:31, it reads,

“God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.”

And because our Creator found joy in making things out of nothing,

He wanted to share it with us.

He created man in His image-

with the capacity to create,

with the aptitude to create with passion.

He gave man gifts and blessings, talents and love.

He didn’t give these gifts to the animals, only to man.

We are born to create.

We are born to use our imagination.

When we create, when we bring something that wasn’t there into being,

we share in our Creator’s gift and blessing.

God created many beautiful things out of nothing.

I look at how beautiful the animals are-

the different kinds of birds, butterflies,

even the strange creatures under the sea.

Look at the magnificent trees and mountains, the sunset.

God took so much care in forming these things for us and Him to enjoy.

Some of the things He created we will never even see!

He created them for His pleasure!

We too can create for our pleasure.

We need not be making art for others to appreciate,

unless that’s part of our pleasure as well.

There is no limit to God’s creativity and imagination.

And I believe God also gave us, each of us,

creativity and imagination with no limit.

The more we use these gifts, the more we will have!

God didn’t destroy what to us are strange or funny creations.

Sometimes we don’t want to draw or paint because we say we can’t draw.

Take a tip from God who appreciates His creations whatever it looks like!

And I realized that we would be

like father, like daughter,

if I enjoyed my creations as well!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

WOYWW: Strip Ease

I've been following
Michelle Ward's
GPP Street Team
monthly creativity crusades
for some time now.
Her project ideas are great
and I always intend to do them,
but keep forgetting
with all the things that get in the way.
This month's crusade
is Strip Ease.
We're supposed to collect paper
from our stash,
tear into strips,
and attach to our page.
This is great
cause we get to use
(You might notice the candle-
we had a brownout
for a while
and I worked by
My husband left to buy me a
Caramel Frapuccino!
Here's the
journal cover.Thought I'd share
what I read from the Bible
this morning
about not being
I used torn strips of paper too
for the face and background.

If you'd like to take a sneak peak
at what other people have on their work desk,
head over to Julia.
I guarantee you'll want to
join in on the fun!

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday: My Prayer Journal

when I pray in the morning,
I draw in my journal,
or embellish bible verses.
It used to be that when I prayed
first thing in the morning,
I forgot what I read
and prayed about
in a few hours!
These are the bible verses
I meditated on this morning:
Hosea 10 and Matthew 10,
the Catholic church's readings for today.
Above is my rendering of Judas Iscariot.

We can all be like Judas if we
betray Christ by sinning
AND not repent.
But if we repent of our sins,
small OR big,
God is quick to forgive.
He has a very compassionate heart!
Simon Peter denied Jesus
three times.
But he cried when he realized
his sin, and repented.
He became a leader of the church.

makes all the difference.
Here is what I prayed about yesterday.
I still remember
because of the drawing I made
of a woman harvesting!

Is there a special way that you pray?

Thank you to Julia
and to Mr. Dunnit

for my special
It's unbelievably generous
of both of you!

If you'd like to take a sneak peak
at what other people have on their work desk,
head over to Julia.
I guarantee you'll want to
join in on the fun!