
Friday, April 29, 2011

If I Knew I Could, I Would....

Here's 5 minutes worth of writing
for Gypsy Mama's prompt:
If I Knew I Could, I Would...

I would write a book,
and illustrate it.
A book with no rules,
more like a journal,
sketchbook, recipe book....

Oops, I don't cook, so more like
recipes for life.
Promises from the Bible,
Words to Live By,
stories about happy marriages,
and bringing up children
in this changing world.

It would be full of collages
and mixed media art,
with positive messages,
and encouraging and inspiring

It would have tutorials for easy to do
projects to make things
to brighten up the home,
or whatever space you have.

And yes, maybe even if I don't cook,
I can come up with a recipe or 2.
After all, If I thought I could, I would!

One day!!!!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I am facilitating a
"Scrap"booking workshop this weekend.
Now don't go thinking I'm an expert!
It's a free workshop, and it's for the
women and children in our Christian community.
So I have been looking through my many scrapbooks
for examples I can show.
I do not use expensive materials,
and do not buy scrapbooking embellishments.
I use mainly magazine pages,
and drawings of my son!

This was taken in Thailand.
Angeli the monkey was quite memorable!

This was taken in Schenzen.
Our tour guide was annoying and told us lies.
My parents were covering their ears
because she talked nonstop.
The drawing is of my father when he was so bored
during one of the many stops at tourist traps.
The background leaf is a magazine page.
The frame is made by drawing
by marker on a cardboard,
putting glue and sprinkling sand on the glue.
We had a drawing session one New Year's Day.
I like putting hands in my layout,
and drawings.
The drawing is Luke Skywalker.

My son was crazy about Buzz Light Year
when he was young,
so I put his head on Buzz!
My son is now 16 years old,
and he loves looking through his scrapbooks!

What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday
is hosted by the very amiable Julia.
Visit her for more desks and projects on display!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

A Blessed Easter!

We had a joyous and exciting
Easter service last night.

Because of the empty tomb,
because the Lord is alive,
because He is risen,we can celebrate because we know that what He said is true!
It's as simple as that!

Luke 18:27, NIV. "Jesus replied,
'What is impossible with men is possible with God.'"

Philippians 4:19, NIV.
"And my God will meet all your needs
according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus."

John 14:2-3, TLB. "There are many homes
up there where my Father lives,
and am going to prepare them for your coming.
When everything is ready,
then I will come and get you,
so that you can always be with Me where I am."

Revelation 21:4, NIV.
"He will wipe every tear from their eyes.
There will be no more death or
mourning or crying or pain,
for the old order of things has passed away."

Philippians 4:6-7, Phillips.

“Don’t worry over anything whatever,
tell God every detail of your needs
in earnest and thankful prayer,
and the peace of God,
which transcends human understanding
will keep constant guard over your hearts and minds
as they rest in Christ Jesus.”

I John 5:14-15, RSV
“And this is the confidence
which we have in him,
that if we ask anything
according to his will he hears us.
And if we know that he hears us
in whatever we ask,
we know that we have obtained
the requests made of him.”

Linking up with Bonnie Gray's prompt @ Faith Barista,
"What does Easter mean to me?"
Then Sings my Soul Saturday,
Spiritual Sunday. ,
and Graceful for Hear it on Sunday,
Use it on Monday

Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday?

In my journal for today:

What's so good about Good Friday????
It's good because it's all about love,
love of the best kind.

After Jesus taught the disciples
during his last supper with them,
how to love-
by putting others FIRST,
by washing His disciples feet
like a servant,

He now finishes His lesson with the
ultimate example of
giving His life for others,
for us.

"This is how much I love you.
I am willing to give my life for you."

If you think about it,
who are we, that the King of the Universe
is willing to die for us?
I guess that's why it's so difficult for many
to understand this faith we have.

But Jesus was a real man,
and He did many miracles.
He was wise and learned,
and many believed in Him even to the point of death.
He claimed He was God in so many ways
that was clear to the Jews at that time.
That is why He was put to death,
for blasphemy.

Our choice is to believe Him,
that He is who He says He is,
or to dismiss Him as a
charlatan, a lunatic, or worse,
the spawn of the devil!

He said, "FOLLOW ME,",
and He said if we followed His teachings,
we would be blessed,
because His teachings
were all about loving God,
and loving our neighbors.

Linking with Emily-


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday? Judas!!

Judas Iscariot has been on my workdesk
the past two days.
In my journal actually!

Here he is betraying Jesus.
Although he was one of the privileged few,
accompanying Jesus as He gave teachings,
healed the sick, raised the dead,
multiplied bread and fish,
Judas turned his back on Jesus
and chose money!
Thirty pieces of silver!

It may be unimaginable,
but I've "walked" with Jesus
ever since I was a child,
and I know He answers prayer,
guides me, saves me in the nick of time
from some disaster,
and yet, sometimes,
I still choose to turn my back on him!
The good news is
Jesus is always after us to come back to him.
Judas chose not to return,
even if he took the bread Jesus offered him
for the last time.

We can choose differently.

Oh, I don't know if you've noticed,
but I decided to organize my desk a little,
inspired by all those wonderful tidy desks
I see on Julia's Stamping ground link party, WOYWW.
I decided to get my embossed metal planter
and use it instead on my workdesk as
a place to put my scissors, brushes, pens, etc.

Linking up with Laura for Playdates with God,
Lora of Abundant Life,
and Word Filled Wednesday.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Keeping Watch with Jesus

Jesus asked his disciples,
"Could you not keep watch with me for an hour?"
(Matthew 26)
I hear His frustration here.
He knows what is about to happen,
and He knows how His disciples are going
to need strength and grace.
Yet, they cannot stay awake
and keep vigil while Jesus prays,
and goes through the pain of knowing
what He has to prepare for.

Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week.
Believers around the world
may choose to keep vigil with Jesus.
Yes, it is finished,
but it is but right to
watch as he is anointed with oil at Bethany,
as He is betrayed by one of His own,
as He is brought to trial,
as He is crucified...

To watch so we may better appreciate
His sacrifice,
so we may offer, like Mary,
a sacrifice of our heart
in gratitude.

I am truly amazed how much
God loves us,
that He loved us first,
and did everything,
so we could join Him
in His Kingdom!

Linking up with Graceful for Hear it on Sunday,
Use it on Monday.
and Soli Deo Gloria.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Five Minute Friday: On Distance

Here's 5 minutes worth of writing for
Gypsy Mama's prompt: On Distance.
Come join us!

I have always felt that it was
wonderful to be living in these times.
Even if my home is in the Philippines,
I am connected to the whole world.
Blogging has brought me friends in so many continents.
The news about other countries
is just a mouse click away.

The irony is that computers
and the internet have also
put a bigger distance between
the haves and the have nots.
Schools in the provinces have no computers
and so the children there have no way of learning
how to use it.

My son has been using the computer
ever since he was a baby.
Now he is 16 and he learns so fast,
reads so fast, knows more than I do
about gadgets.
Recently, he impressed his grandfather
at how quickly he learned to use a plasma cutter,
just by following the tutorial on the computer.
Then I talk to my helper
whose family is in the province,
and she says how can there be a computer in
the schools when there are not even enough chairs?
Not even enough school books?

Picture of the schoolroom is from
Canadian Food for Children Website.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Freedom to be ME!

I hesitated to post this picture of my desk
this morning.
It is such a mess.
Obviously, I just let things pile up,
and now I cannot even find my crochet thread
which I need to sew on my buttons.
To think that the thread has a drawer
of its own, with a label!
Here is my canvas so far.
I've been doing some dirtying up.
Now I am auditioning what to put on it-
buttons, scrap cloth, a curtain ring?
Here is my journal for today.
I realize that the Word of God is alive.
If we read it, there is always an effect.
Most of the time, we do not notice the changes.
But if we keep reading,
eventually, even we will see how we have changed.

I have been reading the Word of God for a long time.
And I know I have been set free from
negative feelings about myself,
too high expectations,
pressures to be a perfect
wife, mother, daughter, businesswoman,
leader in our community....

The list goes on.
and on.

Of course, that's also why my craft room
is a whole mess.
If I was always thinking that I needed
to keep it neat and tidy,
I doubt if I would be free
to create anything!!

Visit Julia of Stamping Ground for more
desks and ongoing projects.

Linking up with Laura for Playdates with God,
and Word Filled Wednesday.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Lord's Day

Our family is part of a Christian Community,
Ligaya ng Panginoon (joy of the Lord),
which in turn is part of a community of communities
around the world called Sword of the Spirit.

Today, my husband led the prayer meeting.
We had a good time worshiping
the Lord, singing and praying.

Then we had a teaching about the
Lord's Day, or the Sabbath.
I've heard a lot of teachings about this,
and honestly, I thought,
I don't think I'm going to learn anything new!
But I did!

In John 19:28-31, Jesus said,
"It is finished."
With that, he bowed his head,
and gave up His spirit.

Jesus proclaimed this on the 6th day,
God finished His work of creation on the 6th day.
Jesus rested on the 7th day,
and God rested on the 7th day (Genesis 2).
Jesus completed His redeeming work,
and He is the fulfillment of the Sabbath rest.
It is obviously very important to God,
that we set apart the Sabbath.
How wonderful that our God thinks
of even this for us!
We who are sometimes slaves to our work!

I decided I would do my journal,
and some reading, and refrain
from working to honor the Lord's day.
So here is my journal page.

I am linking this to

The nice pictures above are from
Pastor Joe Jones blog.

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

What's on Your Workdesk 96

Here is my workdesk this morning.
I worked on my journal
OVER my canvas.

I remember when I was young,
and God comforted me over a silly thing.
How much more can we depend on
His faithfulness and grace now,
over more serious matters?
Here is my unfinished canvas.
I'm going for a naif style.
We'll see how it will turn out!
I received a wonderful surprise package in the mail
from Jo or Twiglet of Sisters Crafty Creations.
I only expected a few pages of this vintage
Alice in Wonderland,
but she sent me the whole book!
I don't think I can bear to tear the pages either-
maybe I will make an altered book with it.
Thank you Jo for the
beautiful card that went with it!
Now I've seen a dumfing close up!

For more projects and workdesks,
neat and messy, visit Julia of
Stamping Ground.