
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

WOYWW: I Will Never Forget You

I woke up really early this morning.
And this is my desk!
A camera. I took pictures of my paintings
as I am joining an art fair this Saturday,
Art in the Park.
The brochure of the art fair on the far left.
The usual detritus (not really the right word,
but I like to use it!) that you see on a desk
that has not been cleaned in quite a while!
I obviously prefer to do other things!

After spraying my paintings with fixative yesterday,
they are lying on my dining table and floor.

These are on my table.

These are on the floor.
This morning I read from Isaiah .
"Even should she forget,
I will never forget you." Is. 49:15
God is saying through the prophet that
even if our mother would forget us,
HE would never forget us.
This is especially appropriate as 
the Conclave is going on in the Vatican.
A Pope is being chosen.
Sometimes I read news about how Pope Benedict
was like the captain of the ship that sank.
I can't imagine why anyone would think Pope Benedict
was a coward when he gave up power 
because he said he was too old 
and not strong enough to navigate the
choppy waters of the Church's challenges.
To me, that's humility,
and one needs to be strong to be humble enough
to know you are not indispensable.
To me, that speaks of a man who knew
our God would never 
 leave us or forsake us!

I am praying that the next Pope 
will be a man after God's own heart,
who has a personal experience with Jesus,
with the One who called him in the first place.
I am praying that he will be a man
drenched in God's spirit,
full of enthusiasm,
which comes from the adjective
entheos, "having God within."

Every week I choose one wonderful visitor
who leaves a comment
to receive an ATC from me.
I know it takes so much time and effort
to leave a comment
and I appreciate it soooo much!

This week, chose,
#38, Kelly.
She just had an article published in
the magazine Polymer Cafe.
Visit her for a chance to win
the magazine.
Congratulations Kelly
on your magazine article!

Joining the lovely Julia Dunnit for a 
peek at desks and projects!
I love blog parties!
Won't you join us?

Sometimes I put on my best pajamas 
and party here:



  1. Awesome lot of paintings Patsy! Are you selling them or is it a showing of your paintings. Whatever I hope you do well! Thanks for sharing. Vickie #1

  2. Glad to see other people's houses occasionally get taken over as well! Have a great time at the art fair!
    sara j #27

  3. WOw, impressive display of paintings!! Hope the art fair is spectacular. Happy WOYWW, Helen 11

  4. have a great time at the art fair patsy...thanks for sharing....happy WOYWW...hugs kath (40) xxx

  5. Good Luck with your Art Fair, hope it goes really well :) Have a blessed week
    Happy WOYWW Heather #46

  6. Good morning Patsy, you have been working hard, good luck with your art fair. I share your thoughts and prayers about the Holy Father, God Bless.
    Carol.x #52

  7. I so wish I could paint :( I am create but in other ways and painting is not one of them (playing the piano is the other thing I would love to be able to do too)
    Wishing lots of luck at your Art Fair.

    Right I am off to have a look at a few more desks so have a great crafty week :D
    Rum x

  8. Amazing artwork, thanks for showing it. Happy WOYWW Gill x #50

  9. I totally agree with you about Pope Benedict, recognising one's weaknesses is a greatness. I If had a choice, the new Pope will come from an emerging nation, I think we have a lot to learn from the less well developed nations. Meantime, good luck at the weekend - are the paintings to be for sale? Bet you sell a handful at the least! Does exhibiting make you nervous?

  10. my word you have been busy I just love looking at your pages they give so much inspiration and thoughts for the day.
    Good luck with the art in the part.
    Happy WOYWW
    Ria 60

  11. What a lovely lot of artwork. Good luck with the art fair and thanks for sharing.
    Happy Woyww
    Liz 72

  12. So many awesome canvases Patsy!
    I think the pope gets a lot of stick he doesn't deserve - but I guess, unfortunately, that is the world we live in now.
    Happy Wednesday

  13. Good luck in the art fair, you have a lot of beautiful work to display. Tracy #67

  14. Hi Patsy,our work is always so inspirational. I wish that I was close enough to you to come to your art fair. I would love to have a piece of your art to hang in my room. #71

  15. Wow! Beautiful art and such thought provoking messages! Best wishes for the art fair. mo xxx #63

  16. Hi Patsy,
    Good luck with the art fair, your work will brighten it up that is for sure. I would love to see them in person. Wonderful message this week and I agree with you about the Pope business.
    Krisha #97

  17. What beautiful paintings! Hope you sell lots of them at the art fair! Will have to come back to your blog and check out more of your posts!
    Anna # 98

  18. Anonymous10:55 PM

    Hi Patsy,
    I love your work! I've just started to do some art journaling and mixed media stuff but I do not have the "gift"....just the desire. LOL! You definitely have the gift!

  19. Thank you, Patsy! What a great way for me to jump back in to WOYWW. I'll email you later today. Love your artwork. Good luck at the art fair. Can't wait to hear more about it.

    Also, thanks for noting my publication. That was incredibly sweet of you. Hugs and Blessings! Kelly #126

  20. Patsy, I'm praying with you for the new Pope.

    Your art is so lovely. I wish I could come to the show!

  21. Good luck with the art show! Your paintings will blow them away as they are so cool! Happy WOYWW! Nan #25

  22. As always your artwork is beautiful and inspirational. April #110

  23. Oh hi again. following you from What He's Done Wednesday. I have an art show this weekend as well. I have 6 pieces of watercolour in the show and I am selling my Tadeo Turtle books.
    Exciting times.

  24. Hullo there Patsy,
    Well, lovely work going on here! and what a treasure that the LORD has promised never to leave nor forsake us..and yes a living relationship with Jesus Christ is so important as you say - thanks for sharing your lovely work too.
    Thanks so much for popping over and for sharing ~ happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz. x #15

  25. Hello Patsy. Found you through Imperfect Prose. I prayed the same thing today for whoever will be the new pope.

    Nice artwork! - Josh

  26. I always love your work :) Even though I'm not catholic, I've been praying this pope will be a spiritual leader. Thanks for the inspiration!

  27. Thank you for sharing this, Patsy.
    Word Art Wednesday

  28. Thank you for posting photos of all your paintings lying on the floor and table, I enjoyed looking at all of them ánd the details, wonderful! Have fun at the art fair! Marit, #79

  29. Beautiful art work. Thanks for joining us this week at WAW.

  30. i love your prayers for the pope, friend, especially that he have a personal experience with Jesus. thank you for your heart.

  31. More great stuff Patsy! Beautiful paintings, fabulous verse and thoughts! I so enjoy heading over here to see what you are up to! How did the art fair go?

    Thanks for linking up with me at What He's Done Wednesday! So glad you made your way over this week!


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy