
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

WOYWW 68: Works in Progress and a Sneak Peek of a Wonderful Sketchbook!

Here is my table today.
And below is my floor
with the canvases I painted wall putty on
and behind them, my Dt 6 canvas
which is still unfinished.

I am thinking of how best to apply the words!

I wasn't able to work on anything yesterday
because my brother arrived
from a 3 month
backpacking tour of Europe.

He came home with sketchbooks full
of wonderful art.

For more of his work, try here, here, here, here, here, here and here.

If you'd like to take a sneak peak
at what other people have on their work desk,
head over to Julia.
I guarantee you'll want to
join in on the fun!


  1. I love the sketches on the book pages. They are awesome. That 3/4 view is amazing. And those canvases are so colorful. Keep us updated as to their progress, too, please.

    Talent must really run in your family. Those pictures he drew of his trip are incredible. WoW.

    Happy WOYWW.

  2. What incredible sketches! Your table looks great too. (19)

  3. oh my goodness, your brother's sketch books look absolutely amazing! I'd love to look at something like that, maybe you can get some more photos??? Helen (46)

  4. Gorgeous artwork. You are so talented.
    A x

  5. your brothers sketch book looks fab, art's obviously in the family .. thanks for sharing :D

  6. Okay first of all--love those canvases your working on, and also the flower collage on the post before this--I really love your style.
    And then your brother too!! A 3 month backpack trip through Europe--what an adventure--those sketchbooks are treasures!

  7. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Lovely artwork altogether - you and your brother are both very talented. Can't get my head around altered books though would love to have a try with the pages. Might just have to bite the bullet.
    x Tricia( 73)

  8. I in in love with yesterdays flower collage and your work in this post looks just as beautiful.

    Sarah (57)

  9. Hi ya
    fabulous creation, luv the canvas, hope your brother enjoys his back packing, lovely artwork again, have great day, happy WOYWW, sue,x (3)

  10. Great sketches and those portraits on the book pages look really promising! Thanks for joining my blog candy and Good Luck

  11. That's a very interesting project you have going on with the journal pages. Your brother's sketches are also wonderful.

  12. You and your brother are both very talented artists. I will be back later for a look around your fantastic blog.(When I have got more time)
    Have a wonderfully creative week

    Sue xx 8

  13. Amazing sketchbook - I LOVe Las Rambla - I was there in the summer.

  14. Anonymous11:41 PM

    Wow Patsy, your brother is an artist too! You all have very talented genes that's for sure!

    Brenda (88)

  15. The canvases are them all. Pam (6)

  16. I love your artwork on canvas. The collage works are also awesome.


  17. Love all of your artwork! Thank you for sharing it!

    Katie (91)

  18. Those sketches on the book pages just inspired me for a banner I want to make. Thank you!!! I love how we are able to inspire each other!

  19. Love the potential of the book page sketches. And your bro's book is equally cool! TFS & Happy WOYWW.

    Linky #110 =D

  20. Love your canvases are soooo colourful and full of life! fabulous!
    Have a great woyww

  21. What? I can't believe it.. another talented person in the family! So he was in Europe? Did he visit Amsterdam?
    I hope you will show us later on what you dit with you canvas?
    wish you a inspiring week!

  22. Very cool! thanks for the snoop! Karla #4

  23. Fabulous artwork - thanks for sharing. Sunshine Girl (28)

  24. Your sketches turn into masterpieces. To have a brother who can also create such wonderful pieces is fantastic.I do envy people that can draw and admire. Have fun Jo.xxxNO.27

  25. Thanks for sharing all your work - and your brothers. Think I need to go off and see what else he did on his trip to Barcelona. We were there a couple of weeks ago and I have had bronchitis ever since (not good). #45

  26. loving your brothers art work, hope he enjoyed his trip! Hope you had a great WOYWW! Have a great week

  27. Morning Quick visit Hugs Candace #43

  28. hiya! Always a pleasure to look at your desk! Your brother is just as talented as you. Deely boppers, by the way, are a plastic headband with two springs on the ends of which there are fluffy or glittery balls..... try googling it!

  29. Beautiful artwork babe :)
    *hugs* Heather x (41)

  30. Wow.. your stuff is so cool.. Can't wait to see more!

    Shirley Pumpkin #129

  31. All of that looks delightful! I wish I had your type of creativity and style!

  32. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Love your sketches and canvases and your brother's art is amazing. S #13 x

  33. I love the canvas pieces and your brothers work is amazing.

    A.xx (38)

  34. Ah your creative gene is in full evidence - the three of you gravitate to warm colours, fetching colour combinations and sketch talents that take my breath away! Am fascianted by your desk today - what's going to happen to those faces....can't wait!

  35. How wonderful that you have a brother who is as creative as his sister and have another common bond. His sketches are wonderful and thanks for sharing yours and your desk.

  36. Your brother is very talented artist. I love the canvases you are doing and the drawing on book pages is a good idea too.


  37. You are both so talented - just love your brother's sketchbooks too -what fun!

  38. I enjoyed finding your blog this week. Love the drawings!

    Terry #127


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy