
Friday, February 18, 2011

OWOH Winners! and why it took me so long....

Here is the reason for my delayed posting
of the winners.
I tried putting numbers in my comments

using the instructions here,
but numbers didn't appear,
no matter how many times I tried.
Finally gave up.

Then I tried to put the image of the
Random Number Generator.
Again I didn't manage that!

But here are the results-
I just copied the box and this is what came out:
(I assure you the max number I put was 240!)

True Random Number Generator


The winner of the heart necklace is:
Esme of Chocolate and Croissants.

True Random Number Generator


And the winner of the flower collage is
Ophelia of Ophelia's Art.

Thank you so much for all the
wonderful comments and encouragement!


  1. Yahoo!!!!

    That necklace is so me-I am so fortunate to have one this-thank you so much for your kindness. So perfect for spring.

  2. Congratulations to the winners. But we all won something. I found a new blogger friend, you!

  3. Congratulations to your winners! They received some awesome gifts! Hope you had as good a time with OWOH as I did.

    Hugs XX

  4. cobngartulations to the winners...

    yes i tried the comment number thing too and it wouldnt work , blogger should have the comments numbers written into their html automatically..i ended up witing up mine and drawing from a bowl...

  5. Hello Patsy, I've got some exciting news, come on over & see who won 1st Prize on my OWOH door prise... I hope you'll be happy ;)


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy