
Monday, May 23, 2011


Sing a new song to the Lord!
Psalm 98:1

Why sing?
Why not just talk to God?

When we are happy, isn't there a
tendency to sing and even dance?
When we are sad, do we not want to lament?
When there is feeling, passion, life,
there is a song that comes out of our heart,
our spirit.

"My spirit rejoices in God my Saviour."
When we lift our voices to God in joy,
we are drawn closer to Him.

Sing when there is reason to sing.
Sing when there is none,
but I find there always is!
How many times have I felt
miserable, hopeless or dejected,
only to sing, hesitantly and rebelliously at first,
and then genuine joy and gratefulness
take over.
"Why should we sing?
Because singing engages our hearts
and emotions as well as our minds,
and God cares about the whole person,
emotions included.
He wants to breathe life into our spirits
and minds and bodies.
Singing offers him entry into
our whole being in a way
that ordinary speech doesn't.
and if we have difficulty opening
our hearts,
singing can open the pathway
for His Spirit to move in us."
(Word Among Us)

Linking to Spiritual Sunday ,
and Graceful for Hear it on Sunday,
Use it on Monday,
Soli Deo Gloria.


  1. Yep, singing and dancing and praising the lord, nothing better! Thank you for stopping by!


  2. I love singing to God.... I'm grateful He can tolerate my voice.... Seriously lousy.

    So glad you popped on over...And, thank you for your prayers. Still not a single word. It's been two weeks now.

    Warm blessings,

  3. I agree, music is such a powerful vehicle. It just takes me to a different level, a release of all the things I am holding.

  4. I love this!I feel close to the Lord when I am singing praises.
    God Bless,

  5. thanks for the reminder..

  6. Thank you, and those pieces of artwork are so fresh and vibrant, you can feel the music.

  7. I love to sing.. especially with my little one :) and this post made me sing just right now!

    Thanks for dropping by my blog.. yep, another Filipina here! Hey, I am a fan of papemelroti when I was still in the Philippines especially during my school days.

    That's really nice that your son will be able to go to world youth day, this August. Isn't that going to be held in Santiago de Compostela? We are like an hour away from there! Is your son going alone? Let me know if there's anything I can do to assist him :) Not that I can go with him there since I have a little one to take care of hehe but if there's anything else I can do to help my kababayan, I'll be very glad to!

    I'm now following you by the way :) Keep in touch, ok? :-D <3

  8. I love to sing with the congregation on Sunday. I sing hymns at home and they 'play' in my head!

    Thanks for stopping my my blog and leaving a comment.

  9. Thanks for your visit and comment dear friend!!!!!!

  10. Hi Patsy!
    I was happy to log on to my blog and see I have a new follower ~ You! Welcome and thank you for your visit.
    I have been looking through your blog and LOVE your creativeness.
    I am now following you.

  11. Patsy,
    Oh singing when there is reason to sing is easy for me. It's that singing when times are tough that is hard. How many times to I experience some minor hardship and then, mope about it.

    Glad to bouce over to your place from Michelle's link-up.

  12. Oh yes and is hard to stay downcast when you are singing and dancing, it just lifts your Spirit and allows the Joy of the Lord to take over

  13. I love music and I love to sing to Him. And I'm thankful He lets me sing a little mournful dirge once in a while...and then He lifts me out of it.

  14. Living with a musician brings singing into our home constantly. It's hard to gripe and complain when you're singing praises to God. Beautiful writing. And you art just brings me joy.


  15. Your art work and your sweet words . . . make me want to sing.


    ps. Hopping over from Michelle's.

  16. I find that sometimes, even if I am not in the mood, I can start singing along and suddenly, my heart has been transformed. Amen!

  17. I love to sing and do so but only when no one is around;) I can't carry a tune to save my life but I know God doesn't care..

  18. Thanks for visiting my blog this week. Singing beats 'tweeting' any day. :)

  19. Anonymous5:52 AM

    Singing is a joy for is His Gift and I totally enjoy it :)

    Excellent post - thank you.

    Mrs. M.

  20. My daughter was in a solo competition today and lost her voice before time to compete. I loved that she went ahead and sang--smiling through the song. She gave the gift to God and that's better than any award.


  21. Music speaks to me in a way that is totally different from any other way that I hear the quietness of God's voice. I am so thankful that He created us to sing (whether we sound great or not!)--life would be very sad without that joyful noise. :)

  22. I love to sing. I can't imagine life without music and singing. They are wonderful blessings from the Lord.

  23. What a sweet post, Patsy -- I just love to sing and hum hymns all week long...and it makes my heart sing to hear my kids singing them, too!

  24. it's true...sometimes my kids try to get me to sing and I don't feel like it but they keep at me and so I do half heartedly but then before I know I get right into it. Very true what you said.


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy