
Monday, August 22, 2011

Give thanks!

"We give thanks to God
always for all of you."
1 Thessalonians 1:2

In Word Among Us,  it pointed out 
that the First Letter of Paul to the 
Thessalonians is almost equally divided
between words of praise and gratitude
for the witness of these new Christians
and words of teaching and warning
to them as the face new challenges.

 I should remember this "shrewd strategy",
especially with Josh, my 16 year old son.
I always tend to teach him, "lecture" to him even,
without first praising and encouraging him!
Josh (on the right) and his cousins
will be back from 
World Youth Day in Madrid.
This is a timely reminder for me-
I was ready to ask him to 
read all the messages of the Pope,
to write down what he learned
so he won't forget, 
to ask him his next plan of action....
before I praised and encouraged him
for all the sacrifices he made there,
and for the responsibility and dedication
he showed during his trip there.
This was the crowd in
Cuatro Vientos for the 
World Youth day vigil.
The kids had to walk to go there for 2 hours
in scorching heat (40 degrees)
then wait for the Pope for several hours.
When the Pope started his homily,
there was a strong wind and rain.
Josh and company put up a tent with tarps
and sticks so they wouldn't get wet!

"Share with others the joy of your faith," 
the Pope enjoined the youth.
He also encouraged the pilgrims
for their "joyful, enthusiastic and intense presence."
He says they will be returning home as
"missionaries of the Gospel"
who will help their friends
"discover that loving Christ
means living life to the full."


  1. i think we might be a bit of kindred spirits at times...i often forget to praise before i go about thinking about the next step.

    such a good reminder for me.

  2. You are a very wise woman! Your son will certainly benefit from your instruction. That is also a beautiful picture that you have at the beginning of your post today.

    Hugs XX

  3. What a wonderful experience for your son and for you as well!

    Spanish Pinay

  4. Encouragement is so very important. I'm glad you shared this experience with us.

  5. Beautiful artworks. Really inspiring!


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy