
Friday, April 20, 2012

Gather the Fragments!

Wow! I feel as if I'm the 
HONORED GUEST at the party!
Paint Party Friday that is! 
Hope I'm not underdressed
with just my WIPs!

I'm working on an altered book,
courtesy of some free lessons from

And for my journal for today,
a verse from the story about the 
multiplication of the loaves and fishes.

We can all be the person in the story
who gave his loaves and fishes 
to God.
When we give our time, talent,
and resources to the Lord,
anything is possible!  

And for all my friends at
I missed a post for the first time 
since I started joining in
because my family and I
(all 16 of us!)
went to Caramoan,
a remote place here in the Philippines.
We did a lot of island hopping.

None of us can compete with God's 
Here's a picture of one of the islands
we stopped at.
Its name is Bugtong and that is the boat we rode
to get there. The boat is named 
"Survivor" because the reality TV series "Survivor"
is filmed in the Caramoan Islands.
The Serbian, Israeli, French , US versions 
are filmed here because of its beauty 
and remoteness! 

 Linking with 
sneak peek 


  1. Your art work is beautiful. Isn't it amazing how after everyone finished eating from the small lunch, that they were able to gather baskets full of left overs? Jesus was concerned that nothing be wasted, and so should we.

  2. Loving your beautiful WIP's. Happy PPF and enjoy the weekend, Annette x

  3. Beautiful journal entries! Love the last one specially. :) You were in a beautiful place. Hope you had fun. :)

  4. I loved seeing you featured this week Patsy! And you're right - God sure is good at creating some beautiful artworks!

  5. I like this verse Patsy and the reminder of the miracle of the loaves and fishes. It amazes me that you keep up with your art journaling every day. I'm inspired by what you share here. Thanks for linking to Scripture Thursday. ~ Abby

  6. beautiful WIP's and I enjoyed your PPF interview!

  7. I love your blog and your art...Happy PPF :)

  8. Congratulations for all your work, and your illusions. Saludos

  9. Love your pages ~ very colorful, creative and awesome ~thanks for sharing, namaste, ^_^

  10. Ganda ng mga artworks and your reflection about GOd's word and lastly the beautiful Philippines. Keep it up sister. You are an inspiration.

  11. Oh just beautiful! Lovely works. Kim

  12. great style and loved reading about you at PPF.
    I love to be part of so many talented artists all over the wishes

  13. Your work is Awesome! Love your art pages.

  14. Lovely WIPs!!
    Congratulations on being featured on Paint Party Friday's blog!!
    Congratulations and best wishes on your book!
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  15. Congrats on being the featured artist. The women in your journal are always so lovely.

  16. Love your artwork! Congrats on being PPF featured artist!

  17. Your work is always so inspiring. I enjoyed reading your interview this week and learning more about you! It's also so wonderful to see the photos of the Philippines. Thanks for sharing a glimpse of your world with us!

  18. Beautiful pages from the Journal! Loved your artwork, Patsy.... and that's a great interview at PPF...
    Best Wishes...
    Indeed God's Blessings are Everywhere :)

    Following you :)

  19. BEAUTIFUL JOB! I'll have to check out WOYWW! I've not heard of it before! AND I agree, NOTHING can compete with Gods' Artwork! :) God Bless! :)

  20. thanks so much for stopping by my blog and kind remarks. best wishes for your endeavors.

  21. I'm stopping by from Beholding Glory blog hop. You have a beautiful blog! I love your artistic flare.

  22. Beautiful works-in-progress! Love those backgrounds. A great journal piece too. Her blue clothing is so pretty! Oh yes... HIS artwork is amazing. That photo is stunning. Sounds like a fun trip! :)

  23. What a stunning photo! I would so love to be there! It's cold and raining here today.
    Love your WIPs this week and your verse and painting are, as always, an inspiration and an encouragement.

  24. Your altered book is just beautiful. Thanks for sharing the photo from your vacation. The color of the sky and sea. God as an amazing God to provide us with such beauty.

  25. Thank you for the link to the Wikipedia entry - I'm really interested in reading up about places that I've never heard of before (I'm a Geography graduate, you see!). It looks very beautiful and very different to the pic of my garden!! I'm glad you had a wonderful time with your family there - it looks like Paradise :)
    Hugs, LLJ xxx

  26. Hello Patsy! It is my joy to visit with you and see the lovely art book you have created. I have enjoyed reading your profile and am super happy you are sharing on Think on These Things!

    Kindly, Lorraine

  27. Beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

  28. How lovely for you to spend some time with your family.

    I offer my all to God and stand back in wonder at what He can do with my loaves and fishes.

  29. They might be "only" WIPs, but they're beautiful!

  30. I am not a reality TV watcher, so wasn't sure I knew about Survivor. But, I think I remember seeing an ad for the show. I had NO idea it was franchise. I sure learned something today.

    As for your WIPs, they are beyond awesome. I am also looking forward to seeing what you have created in your AB. But of course, I love it all!

  31. Oh Patsy - everytime I come here, I am treated to spectacular artwork - easily the best on the blog... I love what you do and like to scroll round a bit when I'm here.

    Thank you for sharing your talent and WIP...

    How lovely that island looks - like paradise. How wonderful that you were able to go there...

    Big hugs

    Paula x x x

  32. I have been lifted up by your post ~ such beautiful artwork and use of your God-given talents! Thank you!

  33. Love your Christian stories and artwork to go with.


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy