
Friday, May 04, 2012

PPF: Heaven

My sister Tina and I were discussing
what heaven was like yesterday.
"Will it have cars?"
"What? Pollution!"
"The cars in heaven won't run on gas!"
"Maybe we won't need cars in heaven."
"Will we still eat in heaven?"
"Can we pig out on chicharon (pork cracklings)
and lechon (roast pork)?"

On and on.
We can only know what heaven is like 
from the verses in the Bible.
Heaven is the beautiful place where God lives,
a place with no mourning or hunger

The question is,
how do we get there?

Jesus said, "I AM THE WAY"!!!

Would you like to help me get my art
into the big screens in
Times Square, New York City?
and click on "Collect Me".
I just need 77 votes!
Thank you!

 Linking with 

sneak peek 


  1. Wonderful! Love your pages! Love the message too. My favorite topic! :) If you have not read Randy Alcorn's book "Heaven" yet, I highly recommend it! :) Have a blessed weekend! :)

  2. I always enjoy your work, beautiful illustrations!

  3. I'm excited that there won't be any tears or sorrow or pain in heaven! Great post!

  4. You and your sister Tina do not need to worry how you will get to heaven IF you have each personally received Jesus into your heart.

    He will see to it that you arrive safely when it is your time to leave this earth. Yes, there will be eating, because there is to be a marriage supper. I don't know if it will include meat - but there will be much delicious fruit. It is fun to speculate what will happen up there. I believe we will not need cars or trains or planes just decide to be someplace and you will be there - no wings needed either.

  5. I love thinking about heaven!!! I am doing a series on it in June and I can't wait! Love your picture!!

  6. You can definitely create your own picture book, be the writer and the illustrator at the same time! I always love your art and your reflections.

    Spanish Pinay

  7. As always your work is a delight to look at especially if it contains the Word of God. God bless!

  8. Very pretty illustrations!

    Hugs Giggles

  9. Love your interpretation of the words. Happy PPF, Annette x

  10. Hi Patsy, Have I not met you before? I LOVE your creativity! Thanks for so much to look at here! Beautiful art work here!

  11. Such delightful artwork. Thank you for sharing!

  12. I think it's beyond what we can imagine. :) But definitely no cars. :) Love your houses painting. Such lovely bright colors. :)

  13. sweet questions about the nature of heaven. i like your whimsical interpretation, too. your post made me smile. thanks for sharing!

  14. Beautiful, gorgeous colours and subject, happy ppf xx

  15. So inspiring! Love your paintings! Happy PPF!

  16. Beautiful and original that sky and those sinuous towers. Saludos

  17. Lovely colorful creation ~ lots of texture and unique work ~ thanks, namaste, ^_^

  18. Patsy, thank you for always sharing in your art journaling, what God has placed on your heart. I'm thrilled that you faithfully link up to Scripture Thursday. I envision myself playing a harp in heaven. I hope God has one waiting for me. ~ Abby

  19. Dropped by through Artists in Blogland

  20. Patsy, you are a blessing. I love your mini-devotionals and always look forward to seeing what you have for us. I am so thankful that God is getting his Word out through you and your beautiful drawings/paintings.

  21. Hi Patsy! This is so lovely. And with both of my parents in Heaven waiting for me, that verse is particularly meaningful. Thank you.

  22. Found your through ppf, and glad I did. Your work is simultaneously faithful and whimsical - I dare say a combination that pleases the Father

  23. I am so glad to be following Jesus with you.

  24. So simplistic and childlike...just like God intended! God Bless!

  25. HE sure is the way! Beautiful pieces. Love the colors. Love the messages! :)

  26. Lovely artwork, I especially love the whimsical houses at the top, those are really cool!

  27. This is absolutely breathtakingly beautiful! I love the conversation and those pieces of art are superb! WONDERFUL!

  28. What a fun visit for Spiritual Sunday. My grandkids have been asking me a ton of questions about heaven as well, so we are currently working on learning the many comforting Bible memory verses about heaven for kids and grand children. It's as much a blessing for me as I pray it is for them. :) Have a blessed week.

  29. Ah Heaven...fruit for sure, I hope. I love fruit but I'm sure the peaches and strawberries are so much juicier there--probably won't need to set them on the windowsill there to ripen all the way.

    So thankful I know the Father!

  30. What beautiful images your heart can share!

  31. Thanks for sharing your beautiful art work again. I like the way you illustrate God's truths.


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy