
Monday, July 30, 2012

The Kingdom of God

Jesus often spoke in parables 
that made it difficult to understand 
if you were a person who
did not like to think!

Perhaps He did not like to give wisdom
and secrets to those who would not value it.
He said don't give pearls to swine, after all!

In Matthew 13, He compared the 
Kingdom of God to yeast.
Yeast is a living organism.
When you mix it with flour,
the mixture grows, expands, and then
it is made into bread, which feeds our bodies.
It is not our business to be the yeast,
but we have to put ourselves in 
God's hands so we can be the 
bread that blesses others.

Lord, show me what you have for me to do,
and how my gifts can bear fruit 
for Your Kingdom!

Every week I choose one from my 
wonderful visitors who take the time
and trouble to leave a comment,
to receive an ATC or a postcard from me.

This week it is JoDee Luna from 

I love blog parties!
Won't you join us?
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Friday, July 27, 2012

Paint Party Friday: A Hundred Fold

The verse I want to illustrate today
so that I will remember it the whole day:
"But the seed sown on rich soil,
is the one who hears the Word 
and understands it.
who indeed bears fruit
and yields a hundred
or sixty or thirty fold."
Matthew 13:22-23

Step one: Find a background where I can 
find a gardener.
There she is! Bending down to sow seeds!

There now, I'm sure you can see her too!

I started drawing the Word of God 
in my journal in 2006.
I noticed that if I draw it or make a collage,
I am able to remember and mull on it
during the day.
Before, I used to pray in the morning
and forget about what I prayed about
at 10 in the morning! 
What a pity! 
There is so much life and blessing in the Word!
It is like a seed- so much potential,
life and energy!

If we understand the Word,
embed it in the soil of our hearts,
it can bear fruit a hundredfold! 
" Knowledge of the mysteries 
of the Kingdom
has been granted to you!" 
Matthew 13:11

Don't allow the Word to
be strangled by the thorns of anxiety,
discouragement or busyness! 

I truly appreciate your visits and comments.
Although I try my best to return your visits,
between family life, work and commitments
to my Christian community,
it's just not possible! 

As a thank you to all of you wonderful people 
who take the time and effort to leave a comment,
I pick one of you every week to receive an ATC
from me or a postcard of one of my paintings.
The RNG picked Jennifer Carter on Monday morning.
And she chose a postcard of my canvas.

Linking with

sneak peek 

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

WOYWW: Treasure in Earthen Vessels

Wednesday's come around again
and so here's a portion of my desk.
You can just imagine the rest of it! 
Everything crammed in and
more on the floor!

On my journal:
2 Corinthians 4:7
"But we hold this TREASURE in earthen vessels,
that the surpassing power may be of God
and not from us."

Yesterday, I drew Rahab, the prostitute
whose life was touched by God.
She is one woman among many men
listed in Jesus' genealogy.

We are all earthen vessels,
weak, easily broken, 
like Rahab, prone to sin.

But God in His infinite compassion and love,
can redeem us with His power,
gift us with grace every day,
so that we might live victoriously! 
In Ephesians 3:20, one of my favorite verses,
we read that God is able to do 
immeasurably more 
than we can ask or imagine
according to HIS POWER 

These are ATCs I received in an amusing swap
themed "My Body is a Cage."

I guess we can say that there's a similarity:
earthen vessels= cage?

And here's an envelope from Ksenia in Ireland.
I'm working on it to send back to her.
I joined her Mail Art swap.

I truly appreciate your visits and comments.
Although I try my best to return your visits,
between family life, work and commitments
to my Christian community,
it's just not possible! 

As a thank you to all of you wonderful people 
who take the time and effort to leave a comment,
I pick one of you every week to receive an ATC
from me or a postcard of one of my paintings.
The RNG picked Jennifer Carter on Monday morning.
And she chose a postcard of my canvas.

Joining the lovely Julia for a 
peek at desks and projects!

I love blog parties!
Won't you join us?

Linking up with
