
Monday, January 14, 2013

How many FISH did you catch today?

Jesus was a Master at giving us
pictures and stories that are memorable.
"Come after me and I will
make you fishers of men."
Can you see it in your mind's eye?
Fishing MEN?!!!! and women of course!

My sister Peggy, her husband Charlie,
my husband Luigi and my sister Meldy's husband
and I, are part of a prison ministry.
The first time we went to the QC Jail,
one man stood out.
His name was Boy Tambuli, 
and he was leading the praise and worship
with a lot of zeal and gusto.
He knew the Bible and when we 
were groping for a verse,
he would come to our aid!

Charlie, Boy, Peggy and I. in front of the jail.

After 11 years, Boy was finally sentenced
and he was found guilty of MURDER.
The very next day,
my sister Peggy was teary eyed
because Boy was leading the 
singing of the worship songs.
"Walang impossible sa ating Diyos!"
He sang loud and clear.
"NOTHING is impossible with God!"
He sang with conviction.

I am happy to say this story has a 
wonderful ending.
After my brother-in-law
worked with a lawyer on his papers,
his sentence was commuted to homicide.
Since he had been in jail for 11 years,
he had served his term.
He was freed on January 9  and
yesterday, he had lunch in our house.
I am sure he will be a 
He said if not for his stint in jail,
he would not be a Christian.
Like Jesus, Boy has a story to tell!

When we become FISHERMEN,
God will be well pleased with us.
We are, after all, 
following in His footsteps!
What father would not be pleased with that?!
And we too, have a story to tell!

Every week I choose one wonderful visitor
who leaves a comment
to receive an ATC from me.

This week, chose
#42, Queenie Jeannie of 
She makes fabulous cards
but claims she has no talent!
Does not make any sense to me!!

I know it takes so much time and effort
to leave a comment
and I appreciate it so much!



  1. Hi Miss patsy! yes, I joined :) The foot traffic wasn't great and definitely, wasn't worth the trouble. But God works in mysterious ways. If I hadn't joined, then I wouldn't have stocked up on our plushies since we no longer have any bazaar after our Miriam fair. It turns out that the shop who carries our items in Rockwell needed more stocks for Christmas. All the plushies we prepared for the bazaar all went to Rockwell. :) God is great!

  2. Beautiful artwork and such a wonderful testimony. They go well together. Thanks for sharing your link on Inspire Me Mondays :)

    Roxana @

  3. Hi Patsy! THANK YOU for sharing this story with us. Please let Boy know that someone in Las Vegas, NV USA heard his story, and prayed for him tonight. I praised Him for Boy and his salvation, and prayed that God will use him in a mighty way. Romans 8:28 tells us that "All things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose", and I believe this is the case with Boy. God has great things planned for his life, and will use him for His glory if he seeks after God the rest of his days.
    I've had a very sad evening, Patsy. I got some sad news tonight and my heart has been so heavy. This really lifed my spirits, and I thank you for sharing! You are a blessing.
    Word Art Wednesday

  4. You are such a doll! Thank you for the shout out and for picking me as your winner! I make the mistake of comparing myself to more experienced crafters whom I admire, lol!

    Wonderful post and testimony! Big hugs and blessings!

  5. what an amazing story!!! thank you for sharing and encouraging others to live out the teachings of jesus. i am encouraged:))))

  6. Such lovely words and paintings!
    So good to hear about Bioy and his release.

  7. Blessings, Patsy. I love your blog and visit often as I can. Your story about Boy touched my heart and tonight I will also pray for him. Your art work is gorgeous, as usual.

  8. Hi there, Patsy! I am so blessed with your post and the work you are doing at the QC Jail. It's sad but sometimes, many of us have to go through the rock-bottom just to discover that all we need is Jesus. I am so blessed with the life of Boy Tambuli and I know that He will be used mightily by the Lord in His Kingdom. Just consider all the things that enemy had put him through and even tried to hinder his freedom. I know in my heart that He will be a great testimony of God's love and forgiveness as we all are. God bless you and your family for being instruments in making Boy's freedom a reality. God is so good. And thank you for sharing a wonderful picture Boy and your family...You are all a blessing!

    Anyway, your projects are so wonderful and the colors and message are perfect. Thanks for blessing us with your artwork this week at Word Art Wednesday. God bless, always!

    JO ANN

  9. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful and redemptive testimony. Your artwork amazes me. So beautiful!

  10. A beautiful story of God's grace in your words--and in your art. As always, my heart is warmed with God's presence here.

  11. Thank you so much for serving in prison. My dad does lots of prison ministry. It can be so hard, but rewarding.


  12. Patsy, Thank you for your faithful service in prison ministry. This is such a glorious testament to God's forgiveness and redemption. Your artwork is a beautiful compliment to this precious story.
    Blessings to you ~ Mary

    Thank you for taking time to visit and comment at Mary @ Woman to Woman... much appreciation!

  13. NOTHING! is impossible with God! What a story of God's great mercy and love!


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy