
Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Notice the Good!

Last Sunday was the Feast of the Epiphany
or the Feast of the Manifestation.
The Epiphany takes its name 
from the Greek word epiphania,
which means the coming of a god to earth!

When the three wise men or magi 
came to bring Jesus gifts,
it meant that the "world" recognized him as God.
And that God was calling not only the Jews
but the whole world to Himself!
The amazing thing is that
this was not a legend or a fairy tale.
God really took a human form
and allowed Himself to be enveloped
by our frail flesh!

Polish Catholics have some interesting 
celebrations on this holiday and work-free day
and you can read about them here.

This is Nathanael.
Jesus said of him:
"I saw you under a fig tree."
'Sitting under a fig tree" is a rabbinical idiom
used frequently by the Jews in Jesus' time. 
It meant that Nathanael would meditate
on the Torah.
Jesus was pointing out the good that
Nathanael did. 
We too should notice the good in others!

How about us?
Do we notice the good in others?
Or do we notice more the 
things that they do wrong?

Can we say that our life testifies to God's love?

Every week I choose one wonderful visitor
who leaves a comment
to receive an ATC from me.

This week, chose
#9, Sadee Schilling of 
Read about her beautifully messy and 
joyfully imperfect life in 
Hamburg, Germany.

I know it takes so much time and effort
to leave a comment
and I appreciate it so much!

On In Around button



  1. Another great post, lots to think about. Have a great week. :)

  2. I definitely need to work on noticing the good more often!

  3. Just beautiful...especially the heart and face about testifying. Hmmm...I like the way I learn about some of these special designated days...thanks for sharing!

  4. What's not to like with your work? Everything is just wonderful!

  5. Hi Patsy,
    Just stopping by to see how it's going as one of your followers. I really like the Christian focus of your art. God is good.
    Blessings to you,

    Coleen in Ukraine

  6. Beautiful work again Patsy.
    Thank you for joining us at Word Art Wednesday.
    Carole Robb Bisson
    May the Blessing of the LORD be Upon You!


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy