
Monday, February 04, 2013

Do NOT Torment Me!

I was reading the story of the 
mad man who lived in the cemetery
in Mark 5:1-20.
He was so strong, 
he could break any chains put on him.
When he saw Jesus from afar,
he cried out,

Isn't that ironic?
He is pleading with the only one 
who can save him
to not harass or persecute him!
Many people are like this man!
This man was so free 
no one could stop him 
from doing what he wanted!

But was he happy?
Many people think that happiness
is the freedom to do anything,
to have anything,
to be anything.
They do not want God anywhere near
because He would limit their 
actions, and even dreams!

In my life, I have seen that
God, who is love, never fails.
I put my dreams in His hands.
I put my hopes in His hands.
I put my life in His hands.
And to me, that is freedom!

Because God has much bigger and better
plans for me than I could ever dream up for myself!
After all, He is the one who gave me 
my talents and gifts, my passions!
He knows me better than I know myself!

And so I can exclaim with Simeon,
in Luke 2:30,
"My eyes have seen your salvation!"

Every week I choose one wonderful visitor
who leaves a comment
to receive an ATC from me.
I know it takes so much time and effort
to leave a comment
and I appreciate it soooo much!

This week, chose,
#29, Sandy Leigh,
who is a Downton Abbey fan,
like me!!!!


  1. You are such a blessing to me, Patsy. Every single time I stop by your blog, the Lord speaks to my heart through your art and words of wisdom. He has certainly given you the gift of encouragement, and I thank you SO MUCH for your willingness to boldly share His love and His truth.
    Word Art Wednesday

  2. As usual blessed by the images, and words you present. Thanks Patsy!

  3. Hi Patsy
    Oh yes, only as we leave our all, the good, the bad, the pretty and the ugly, truly everything pertaining to the " self", in our God's Hands, does our Pappa God come through His Sprit and lives the Life of our Lord Jesus in and through us. That is Christianity ... Christ in us, our hope of glory!
    Glad to find your post at Barbie's and I hope you had a good weekend!
    Much love

  4. I drink in your stunning artwork as if nectar from heaven. Thank you for passing on your peace and grace.

  5. You are truly amazing. Such a precious gift to the Body of Christ!

  6. They are all very lovely and creative ~ you are blessed ~

    Carol of: A Creative Harbor ^_^

  7. found you at Barbie's this morning, and I am so glad that I did. this place speaks art and life.


  8. So happy too that God sets ee free and foe all the gifts. Free to do goodand to be a blessing. Bless you sister.

  9. Beautifully written as always. I love seeing your artwork here each Monday on IMM. Thanks for posting.

  10. Patsy,
    I read that the other day and I wondered about a few things. Thank you for your beautiful picture and your writing.
    Thank you for joining us at Word Art Wednesday; we love seeing your wonderful art work and we really appreciate you taking time to join our challenge.
    Carole Robb Bisson
    The Blessing of the LORD be Upon You!

  11. WOW Patsy! I'm so happy I came by your blog! this post speaks so much to me. I thank you for sharing this! Your work is beautiful and your words so powerful! Thank you!

  12. Your drawings tell a story about Jesus and His love. Yes, the poor man was not sure he wanted to be free from his demons, but Jesus knew and brought him deliverance.

  13. This is beautiful...through the images...Jesus bringing deliverance, freedom.

  14. Visiting from Michelle's place (Hear it on Sunday, Use it on Monday).

    I love this take on a familiar story. I'd never thought about it this way. I'm so glad I came by. thank you.

  15. nice post ! I feel inspired to spread some joy now thanks

  16. You know how much I love your art. I love the Love Never Fails one the best -- it seems to capture the theme of sisterhood!

  17. I love your message and your artwork. Thank you for sharing!

  18. My hope, dreams and life are in God's hands, too. He's trustworthy. Your paintings inspire me.


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy