
Sunday, July 03, 2016

Citizens of Heaven!

"Rejoice that your names are inscribed in heaven." Luke 10:20

There are many things that give us joy. With my brother in law, he delights in traveling. A friend of mine loves to concoct pastries in the kitchen and all her friends are thrilled when they are invited to taste it. Indeed many love to eat and the proof is in all the new and favorite restaurants to choose from. You can see the myriads of things that occupy our hearts when we look through our Facebook and Instagram posts.

When the disciples returned from their journey, they excitedly told stories and reported to Him their triumphs. But Jesus sort of said to them, "Hold on, hold on! Among all these things that excite and thrill you, among all of it, rejoice that YOUR NAMES ARE INSCRIBED IN HEAVEN." Indeed do we ever get thrilled thinking that our names are registered as citizens of heaven? I do not remember this in the course of my day, but I should! It would change the way I think, the way I see things, the way I feel! I would go around suffused with gratitude! Lord, may I always remember that I am a citizen of Your Kingdom and that I should act  and think like one!   


1 comment:

I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy