
Tuesday, November 29, 2016

A Little Child shall Lead Them

"...and a little child shall lead them." Isaiah 11:6

A little child shall guide them... that is what it says in the prophetic word of Isaiah. We can connect this to what Jesus says in the Gospel for today, Luke 10, "what you have hidden from the learned and the clever you have revealed to the merest children." 

Sometimes we over complicate believing in God. Paul Washer, the fiery preacher tells of when he was a young kid. His mom gave him clear instructions not to get himself dirty on his first day in school as he had a new set of clothes. Well, he got himself into a fight and went down to play in the river! All his cracks and crevices got filled up with dirt. So he asked John and Rance to come home as they were as dirty as he was. His mom saw him from the window with fire coming out of her eyes. "Now mom, don't get mad," he started, "look at John and Rance..."  Before he could finish, his mom gave him his best theology lesson: "John and Rance are not my children. You are my child. I have nothing to do with them, but I have everything to do with you. Now go upstairs, say your prayers and prepare to die." Now Paul goes around the world preaching with the biggest conviction in the world that God is calling us to be His children and we should say yes to Him every day. 

Lord, may I have the faith of a little child, trusting that I am Yours and You will teach me how to get to heaven and be with you! 

1 comment:

  1. This is so beautiful. You really captured the love on the little girl's face. hugs, Teresa


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy