
Thursday, December 15, 2016

Expand Your Tent!

"Enlarge the space for your tent..." Isaiah 54:2

Yesterday, we had a surprise visitor at the office. My sisters and I hadn't seen him for years, and he entertained us with his stories. He was with his 8th wife, and had 9 children that he knew of, scattered who knows where. He only stopped taking drugs after his family spent thereabouts of 15 million pesos for his 6 years spent in and out of rehab, and after realizing he was a grandfather and should stop his foolishness. While I was listening to him, I got excited. Although he told us that his mother told him never to talk about politics or religion, my sister said that if he was with us, we almost talked of nothing but religion! 

When we meet someone, do we have the mindset that maybe, just maybe, here was an opportunity to enlarge our tents? To lengthen our ropes, to make firm our stakes? Enlarging our tents means growing, blooming, spreading our sphere of influence. For God. If we believe that living in God's light is living life in all its fullness, we will want that for others as well. And we will want to introduce others to that way of living, and a relationship with Jesus. Everywhere in the world, even in countries where people are being killed for being Christians, people are meeting Jesus, and Jesus is changing lives. Lord, I want to be a part of Your great big plan to bring Your message that can change the world, to every part of the globe! Let me not limit You by my fears or my expectations, but let me see You work as I take steps in faith. 

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy