
Wednesday, May 31, 2017

The Bohemian Project

I had a garage sale and that reminded me of all the clothes 
I have tucked away in cabinets. 
I love keeping used, embroidered or lacy blouses, skirts or dresses 
because I can imagine the things I can make with it. 
This time I made some cards and a couple of purses out of the scraps.

First, I took a look at the materials I had on hand. 
I had lots of fuscia and violet. 
I also had a lot of lace and cotton cloth with embroidery.

Then I looked at the buttons, ribbons, metal embellishments,  
and threads I had in my stash.

I like combining shades of the same color together 
or putting vibrant colors together like violet and fuscia. 
Here’s the sleeve of an old blouse I cut up. 
I removed the threads to fray the edges

Then I spent some time auditioning different fabric scraps together 
and tried placing metal studs, buttons in different places to see what I liked best.

I sewed them together and chose a metal embellishment for an accent.

I like using different types of simple embroidery 
to add accents to the cloth, like blanket stitch, chain stitch, etc.

My favorite is the Indian kantha stitch which is so simple to do, 
and quite relaxing. 
It’s really just a running stitch, 
where you pass the needle in and out of the fabric.

To attach the cloth to a card, I used double-sided tape. 
It is much easier to use than white glue 
which I think would make a mess!

Here’s another patchwork I did with a different color theme.

And here’s another one.

I also used the Kantha stitch for this one.

And I was able to make purses as well! 
I imagine I can use scrap cloth 
 to embellish journals, picture frames, boxes, 
scrapbooks, upholstered furniture, bracelets, 
dresses, pillows, stuffed toys, bags, scarves, etc. 
So exciting! 

Comment below to win one of my Bohemian purses!

You may want to see 
other do it yourself projects at
Show Me What Ya Got at Not Just a Housewife 


WOYWW: The Lowly Princess

This is what I am working on this morning.

And this is my desk, part of it anyway.

"For He has looked upon His servant in her lowliness." Luke 1:48

Mary recognized her lowliness, her smallness, her powerless situation. She knew her place in God's scheme of things. Do we? 

Just as Mary was chosen, we too are chosen, special, favored, beloved. But it does not translate to entitlement, or being given a license to lord it over others. Very few of us would accept that we are proud, or haughty. Joyce Meyer said she wouldn't write a book with the word 'proud' or 'pride' in the title because it wouldn't sell. BUT I'll bet a book with 'princess' would sell. We need to know we are a prince or a princess, because we are children of the King of Kings. 

The best King, Queen, Prince or Princess would be the one who recognized that their privileged position obliged them to serve others. As children of the King, shouldn't we also recognize that we have a responsibility to be compassionate towards others, kind and forgiving? 

May I learn to be like You, Father. My Spirit was forged in heaven, and nothing is impossible when I walk with You. 

Joining the lovely Julia Dunnit for a 
peek at desks and projects!

I find a lot of inspiration
visiting my friends here:


Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Lofty Mysteries

"Glorify Your Son so He can give glory back to You." John 17:1

This is part of the High Priestly prayer that Jesus prayed after the Last Supper, after all His revelations and teachings to the Eleven. He prays for the greatest gift ever, eternal life, for the Eleven, and all those who would know the Father and Himself. 

I quote today from the Anawim daily meditation guide: "The Lord prays for us because we are 'still in the world', the world of lights and shadows, of joys and sufferings, the world of friends and enemies, of beautiful things that can point us to God and distractions that tempt us away from Him. As we live in the world, we are not to be OF the world. The Lord will be glorified in us if we allow His Spirit to direct us throughout our mission in the world. The Spirit helps us understand how the lofty mysteries that Jesus speaks about today- the divine life at work in us- is connected to the simple ordinariness of our daily life." 

Do we see a glimpse of those lofty mysteries now and then? We can if we take the time to be still and listen. God speaks in a still, small voice most of the time, like when Elijah heard Him in 1 Kings 19:11-13. 

Lord, thank You for praying for us. We live in a world hostile to Your ways. May we hear You, may You strengthen us, may we see Your face. May we know the Father and may we be Your friend, so we may be granted the greatest gift of eternal life. May we be with our loved ones forever in a place where there is no more tears, no more sickness and pain, no more aging, no more terrorists, no more cursing, lies and deception.

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Our Glorious Inheritance

"...glorious inheritance..." 
Ephesians 1:18

Have we pondered this enough that our hearts soar and our eyes tear up? We need our eyes to be flooded with light so that we can see clearly the wonderful future, the great hope we have in a God who not only desires the best for us, but is constantly working toward that. We can be confident that He who began the good work in us, will continue this work until it is completed (Philippians 1:6).

So many graduates face the future with excitement and hope. Maybe some are filled with uncertainty and anxieties. What's the future going to bring? Will I find a job? Will I find a good job?

Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, said in his commencement speech for the graduates of Harvard 2017: "Today I want to talk about purpose. But I’m not here to give you the standard commencement about finding your purpose. We’re millennials. We’ll try to do that instinctively. Instead, I’m here to tell you finding your purpose isn’t enough. The challenge for our generation is creating a world where everyone has a sense of purpose."

Yes, that is one of our challenges, but I think the bigger challenge is helping each one to know the truth. Most people live their life in search of sand castles that will be easily washed away, treasures that will rust, get stolen or depreciate. So sad when you think a majority of the people on earth have no inkling about the glorious inheritance awaiting us, the promises and the blessings we can claim even now! 

Lord, I want all that You want for me! Let me not be satisfied with the many sugary pleasures this world affords. May I see and help others to see as well, the great hope we have, and the wonderful heritage we have in You! 

Friday, May 26, 2017


"...your grief will be turned to joy." John 16:23

After several months of working on his thesis for his last year in Computer Science, my son was finally able to submit the program and the 50 page report. Some days he would be so frustrated because of some problem he couldn't solve that he would think of calling his professor to ask what would happen if he couldn't finish it. But now, he is ecstatic because his professor accepted the thesis and is even prodding him to submit it for conferences. What a relief!

So is it a relief and a joy when after 9 months and then hours of labor, a mother is able to see the baby from her womb. So Jesus compares our travails here on earth. We all travel a different path, and some of us grieve more than others. But one day as Jesus promises, we will rejoice with a joy no one can take away from us. One day we will understand the purpose for our hardships and trials and pain. One day we will have no more questions that plague us. 

Thank You Lord for this promise of joy beyond understanding. How good it is to know You are our friend who travels with us through thick and thin. You are no farther than a prayer.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Priceless Gifts

"When they opposed him and insulted him, he would shake out his garments in protest..." Acts 18:6

Paul received a lot of insults for his perseverance to preach the Gospel. Just as Jesus said to Ananias, Paul would have to suffer for His name. Paul was beaten multiple times, stoned, arrested, put in prison for years, until finally, he was beheaded outside Rome in 67 A.D. 

Just two days ago, members of a group inspired by Isis burned down the Cathedral in Marawi. They took as hostages a priest, Father Chito Suganob, and his staff and threatened to kill them if the government forces were not called off. 

There is a poignant old story about a Chinese man named Bian He, who found a large stone which he presented to the emperor. The emperor thought it was some sort of trickery to be presented with a worthless stone, and ordered Bian He's left foot chopped off. When Bian He gifted the next emperor with the same stone, the emperor had his right foot cut off. When the next emperor was crowned, Bian He just stayed outside the palace, weeping, and holding the stone for 3 nights and 3 days. The emperor was curious enough to investigate. When he ordered that the stone be polished, they discovered the precious jade hiding inside the dirt. 

So it is that one day, people who persecute and torture Christians will realize that what they thought was worthless, are really priceless gifts from God. They do not know that faithful Christians bring blessings upon nations (2 Chro. 7:14). 

Lord, may You find us faithful. May we not be Christians in name only, but may we be earthen vessels holding the treasure of Your surpassing power 
(2 Cor. 4:7). 

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

WOYWW: Groping for God!

My desk this morning. We had a super successful garage sale over the weekend for a friend's medical expenses. 
But I have still all this stuff to sell! So many generous people gave and even if I sold so much already, there is still so much more! 

These are the books I separated because I knew they would just be damaged in the confusion of a garage sale. I will sell them in Facebook just as soon as I have time to take pictures and post. And below, I will find stuff to sell in an auction. It's a lot of work, but so much fun! 

"They were to seek God, yes, to grope for Him and perhaps eventually to find Him- though He is not really far from any one of us." Acts 17:27

These were Paul's words as he addressed the Council in Athens. He was saying that they already had an altar "To an Unknown God", and Paul wanted to make Him known. He used an interesting word, "grope", which means to feel their way toward. Men, even in ancient times, had some glimmerings of God's story. 

Many Chinese Christians believe that one of the Magi came from China. The chief astrologer at the court of the Han Rulers at the time of Christ's birth disappeared for two years. This was after he discovered what the Chinese call the "king star". 

In 2002, many stone engravings in the artistic style of early Christian times, depicting the Bible stories were discovered in ancient tombs in 20 intact Han tombs. In the book, "Discovery of Genesis" by C. H. Kang and Ethel Nelson, they wrote that the original meaning of several Chinese characters show Biblical stories and principles. 

Also, legends about creation, a worldwide flood, and a family that was saved in a large boat have been handed down through generations, not only in China, but in most cultures around the world! Over the years, John Morris collected 200 of these stories from the Middle East, South America, the Pacific Islands, etc. But the clearest story with the most detail comes from the Bible. When we read from the Bible, we get the story from God Himself, the way He wants us to know what happened, the way He wants us to know HIM! 

Yes Lord, may we seek You and find You, not in any convoluted way, but straight to the source of truth.

Monday, May 22, 2017

Bearing Witness

"You must bear witness as well..." John 15:27

This is one of a long list of instructions that Jesus left with the disciples before he was taken away to be tried and crucified. What does "bear witness" mean exactly? When one is called to be a witness in a trial, we have to tell the truth to the best of our ability. But when Jesus said we have to bear witness on his behalf, it is not just a matter of proclaiming to one and all that we are a Christian. The most important part is living as a Christian in the power of His Spirit. 

I may write everyday about the Bible, but that would be totally worthless if my friends, my family, our employees, my helper Lucy, see that I do not practice my faith! The Christian's life is the world's Bible, someone said. 

Lord, may I bear witness to Your saving love and the victory You won for us. May we live the life You have called us to, not just on a Sunday, or in our church, or prayer meeting, but always, whether there is someone who sees or not.  

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Not Orphaned

"I will not leave you orphans." 
John 14:18

In the Amplified Bible, it reads: "I will not leave you orphans- comfortless, desolate, bereaved, forlorn, helpless- I will come back to you." Jesus reassured the disciples of His abiding presence in their lives, even as He told them that He was going to leave them. He will send the Paraclete, a helper, comforter, counselor, intercessor, advocate, strengthener, and standby who will remain with them, and us, forever. 

Today I have a one track mind. Even as I am reading scripture, and meditating on it, I confess that half my mind is on the garage sale that is happening today. Why did I go through all this trouble of asking for donations, pricing the things, getting my house in a mess? Because I am part of a community, and my brother and sister in community need support and help with their situation. I see Jesus' Words come alive in our community. When our brother Arnold got into a comma, and was hospitalized, so many prayed, so many helped financially. So many visited and gave concrete support, taking turns watching in the hospital, helping our sister with decision making, etc. A fund raising concert was organized. I can not help but wonder how our sister is coping. It is very hard, yes, but on the other hand, she can see concrete evidence of God's love for her and her family. God did not leave her orphaned, desolate, comfortless, without people around to support and help her in the best way they could. 

Thank You Lord for Your Comforter who abides with us forever. Truly You did not leave us orphans. You surround us with Your love and presence even during trying and hard times. 

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Pilgrim Journey

" do not belong to this world." 
John 15:19

What did Jesus mean when He said that we do not belong to this world? Sometimes I see myself as a pilgrim traveling with other pilgrims on the way to the Promised Land. Each year takes me closer and I can't wait to reach our destination. We are just passing through with our borrowed time, and possessions. The only thing we can take with us to our home country are the relationships we've made here. 

My brother in law has been talking about Pres. Marcos' gold treasure and all the amazing stories about it. Marcos may or may not have found Yamashita's gold bullions, but he certainly did not take it with him when he died! Neither can we take our jewelry, the money in the bank, our nice clothes, the cars, our business, our home. 

Lord, may I spend time with You, so I may get to know You and Your heart. May the things that are important to You be important to me too. And may I invest in relationships here on earth, the only investment I can bring to heaven. 

Thursday, May 18, 2017

One Step at a Time

"Live on in my love." John 15:9

Oh to bask in the Lord's love forever and ever. To remain in His love (NIV), abide in His love (NASB), continue in His friendship (Aramaic Bible in Plain English), must be a joy and a delight. 

I think of all my dear friends in a hardship today. One who needs an operation and can't because he might lose his life if the doctors proceed. Another whose husband has been in a coma for weeks. Another whose son got into a motorcycle accident. So many in jail waiting for their promulgation even if they've served time for their crime. And so many of my friends have cancer. If only we can all learn to live, to abide, to continue in our Savior's love as He advises us to. Perhaps then we can fully trust, fully leave everything in His hands. Perhaps then we can be like Saint Theresa of Avila and let nothing disturb us. "Nada te turbe," she prayed, "God alone suffices." 

Jesus says we have to keep His commandments to remain in His love. "All this I tell you that my joy may be yours and your joy may be complete." (John 15:11) Isn't it terribly difficult, Lord, to keep Your commandments? we ask. And this is what Jesus has to say, "This is my commandment: love one another, as I have loved you." (John 15:12) All of God's commandments boil down to, can be distilled to its very essence: love. "Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love." (1 John 4:8). 

Lord, how difficult is it to love like You? So infinitely impossible. For You gave Your very life and blood for each one of us, even for those who hate, ridicule and despise You. But like Mother Teresa said we can start with just one. One hungry child to feed. One hug, one visit, one letter, one prayer, one gift, one hour.... Lord, let me see with Your eyes, and love with Your heart. It is not impossible when I journey one step at a time with You! 

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

WOYWW: Of Vines and Sap-Sucking Bugs

I am working in the garden. It is usually very serene and peaceful here but I am still in the midst of pricing for a garage sale on Sunday. It's for the benefit of my friend who has been in a coma for several weeks. So all those books on the table are for sale. It's quite hard to decide on prices! 

Here are some of the stuff I haven't priced, and there are more in our garage. Below you can see one of three cats who keep me company. Hello Pepperidge! 

"I am the vine, you are the branches." John 15:5

We are branches grafted on to Jesus, the true vine. The Father is the vine grower. In the late 19th century, the European variety of grapes was nearly wiped out because of the plant louse phylloxera. It was saved when someone thought of grafting this European Vitis vinifera grape variety on to Native American varieties which were resistant to the bug. Up to now, any vine not planted with grafted rootstock is in danger of being destroyed by these microscopic sap-sucking insects. 

We too are in danger of being destroyed. The enemy does not want us to know that there is "phylloxera" damaging the way we think, the way our children think, the way our leaders think. This louse is everywhere in our society and there is nothing the devil wants than we are all unaware and oblivious. In the same way that phylloxera attacks the roots and prevents the flow of water and nutrients to the vine, the enemy wants to attack the very foundation of what we believe in. 

We only need to look to the Bible for the solution. Lord, may we be grafted to the true vine, and may we be taken care of by our Father, the vine grower. May we not be deceived by the enemy who wishes to destroy us by any means possible.  

Joining the lovely Julia Dunnit for a 
peek at desks and projects!

I find a lot of inspiration
visiting my friends here:
