
Saturday, May 19, 2018

God is Watching

“His eyes behold, His searching glance is on mankind.” Psalm 11:4

In my other Bible, it says: “He watches everything closely, examining everyone on earth.” Not everyone believes this. They say there is no God because there is suffering, there is perversion, there are horrible things happening all around the world. Just yesterday 10 people, mostly students, were killed in a Santa Fe High School shooting. Wasn’t God watching? Today, I have 5 sores in my mouth, a flare up of my Pemphigus Vulgaris condition. Doesn’t God care? 

I believe He watches and knows everything. But suffering and sin and sickness entered the world when man chose another way other than God’s way. We cannot say there is no God if there is evil in the world. Recognizing there is evil means we recognize there is good and we prefer the good. There is good only if there is a moral law, and there can only be moral law if there is a moral law giver. Who else can that be, except God? 

Bertrand Russell, the famous agnostic, wrote in a 1953 essay that, "it is impossible, or at least impossible at the present time, to know the truth in matters such as God and the future life with which Christianity and other religions are concerned." When I read the Bible, I realize how fantastic it may seem to some people. Although more than half of the scientists in top universities are atheists, more and more scientists today believe in God because of new discoveries about the creation of the universe and how finely tuned it is to support life. 

I am happy that my faith is supported by reason and logic, even by mathematics and science. But I am even more happy that I believe in God because I experience His love, goodness, faithfulness, and sometimes His discipline. When I ask, He answers. When I listen, He speaks. I know without a doubt He watches over me, in every little detail of my life. 

1 comment:

  1. Well said, Patsy. Beautiful art piece. hugs, Teresa


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy