
Thursday, May 17, 2018

Take Courage

“Take courage.” Acts 23:11

The world is changing and it seems to me, much is going out of control in many places of the world. Terror attacks by young children? Vans used to mow through people walking on sidewalks? Churches being targeted? 

In the States, Caryl Ayala, felt she had to quit her job as a teacher. She could not stomach encouraging her students to read specially marked books placed in the school library by the Anti-Defamation League. One particular book among many others, “It’s Perfectly Normal” by Robie Harris, targeted 9-10 olds. It contained promiscuity, homosexual exploration, sexual intercourse, street language, masturbation techniques, abortion as an escape for unwanted pregnancy, etc. In her school in Texas, most of the students were from Latino background and their parents were not even informed of the new programs. She bravely quit her job of 20 plus years and is now trying to fight the politically motivated curriculum. 

These days we need to stand for what is right, and speak for those with no voice. Saint Paul was courageous even when he knew he would be imprisoned, beaten, and suffer much for the cause of Christ. Let us find our courage to do the same. 

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy