
Sunday, July 29, 2018

Give, Give, Give

“Then Jesus took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed them...” John 6:11

In our world today I marvel at how some people are not satisfied with all the wealth and power they have amassed. They want more, more, more. We need to learn from this and see that in God’s Kingdom it is the ones who have learned to give, give, give who are blessed and are able to bless  others. 

In the parable of the multiplication of the loaves, Philip cannot see how the multitude can be fed. All it took was one little boy who offered what was in his hands. He did not shy away and think, “My five barley loaves and two fishes won’t help. I will not volunteer.” Little did anyone think that Jesus would take the loaves, bless it and distribute it and it would be more than enough! How many times have I not given because what I had was a pittance compared to the vast sea of need I saw around me? During disasters like floods and earthquakes, how many times did I look on in helplessness? Did I not have five barley loaves and two fishes? 

I am just like the people who want more, more, more, if I cannot give, give, give. God provides more than enough for us to share. Let us be His partners in blessing the world! 

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy