
Friday, February 15, 2019


“Did God really tell you not to eat from any of the trees in the garden?” Genesis 3:1

Regardless of whether or not we believe in Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden, we can still learn a lot about the anatomy of sin and evil if we study the story. Many don’t believe in the devil either, but that’s exactly what the enemy wants and we play into his hands when we disregard him in our life. It is best that we do not engage him in dialogue because he is wily and deceiving and wants to lure us to his side at all cost. 

God’s laws are for our good, but the enemy, if we listen to him, will make it seem like God is unfair, and wants to restrict our freedom. The enemy insinuated to Eve and to all of us even today in his subtle way, that God’s laws are severe, and unreasonable. If so, he wants us to think, violating them is warranted and justifiable. 

We are surrounded by God’s goodness and faithfulness all the time. The deception of the enemy is that God is exacting and we should break free of all restrictions. Eve thought it was a clever move on her part to eat of the fruit of good and evil, thinking she would be like God and have her own kingdom. Instead of freedom, she was caught in the bondage of shame, guilt, and was thrown out of the garden and everyday fellowship with God. 

Today, many people choose to exercise freedom by taking drugs, drinking in excess, having sex outside of marriage, killing their own babies, cursing, lying, stealing, killing, etc. When we do this, we think we are kings and queens in our own kingdom, but whatever wrong we do will destroy us. 

Father, help us to see big and small rebellions in our lives that lead us away from you. Help us to regain our freedom which can only be found in fellowship with You. 

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy