
Monday, April 08, 2019

Truth and Justice

“O eternal God, You know what is hidden and are aware of all things before they come to be..” Daniel 13:42

The beautiful Susana is falsely accused by two lascivious old judges of having a tryst with an young man. She is condemned to death when she cries out to God. As she was being led to her execution, God stirred up the Holy Spirit in Daniel, who was still a young boy at this time. He lead the people back to court and questioned the judges separately. One judge claimed the young man was with Susana under a mastic tree, and the other claimed they were under an oak tree. Since both trees had a great difference in size, it was apparent to all that the two judges had lied, and they were both put to death. Virtue triumphed. 

It may seem today that God is sleeping, for there are a lot of lies being believed, and public money being stolen without punishment, big time criminals roam free and poor suspected drug addicts are murdered in the streets by the men supposed to protect them. 

My 92-year old father has been reminiscing a lot. He told me about his older brother, Dever, who was part of his church’ group of young men who wanted to spread the truth to combat the lies of the Japanese propaganda machine. They would listen secretly on the radio for news about the Americans and would mimeograph it. The Japanese would tell the Filipinos that the Americans were defeated and far away, when the real news was that they had landed in Lingayen and moving steadily to Manila. When found out, these brave young men were beheaded and put in a mass grave. Now my uncle Dever is honoured as a martyr in North Cemetery. 

God is searching for young men and women like Daniel and my uncle Dever who are brave enough to stand for truth and justice. Where are they today? We each need to stand for truth and justice so that God will fight for us. 

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy