
Wednesday, April 10, 2019

WOYWW: Believing and Obeying

I have not shown a picture of my messy desk recently. Here it is. 

I work out in our pocket garden and most of the time I have three cats for company! 

"Even if God whom we serve will not save us, know, O King, that we will not serve your god or worship the golden statues which you set up." Daniel 3:18

In the Book of Daniel we encounter a King who decrees that all his people worship his god, and bow down before a 90 ft. tall golden statue. Everyone obeys except three Jewish young men by the name of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. The King gets furious and ordered their presence before him. "I will have you thrown into the fiery furnace!!!" The three answer that their God can rescue them, but that, "Even if God whom we serve will not save us, know, O King, that we will not serve your god or worship the golden statues which you set up."

How admirable that these young men put no conditions on obeying and loving God! Many people, even long time preachers, have stopped believing in God and obeying Him because God did not fit into a box of their own making. "I'm not going to believe in God anymore because what kind of a god allows people to suffer?" Or, "I'm not going to church anymore because the creation story in Genesis is b****”. The excuses can go on and on.

Twenty-one years after Charles "Chuck" Templeton became an evangelist, he declared himself an agnostic and he died an agnostic. He was quite a popular evangelist, and preached with Billy Graham. Many thought that he, not Billy Graham, would become the biggest evangelical preacher in history. Towards the end of his life, he was interviewed by Lee Strobel, the writer of "The Case for the Real Jesus". When asked about Jesus, Templeton became melancholy and said, "I adore Him. I miss Him." How sad that because Templeton couldn't explain everything in the Bible to his satisfaction, he turned away from his best friend! Lord, may I follow and obey You even during times of testing, and even when I have doubts!


  1. I see you have space on the other side of your desk too Patsy. A lovely view when crafting! Happy WOYWW. Sarah #4

  2. Hi Patsy. You have a beautiful place to work and study God's word.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #1

  3. Oh Patsy that is such a pretty desk, you’ve share it with us so beautifully I’m sad so few have come to say hullo to you here, I’m very late because I haven’t been well and I’m just doing it as I can.
    Your story of the three lads and the golden idol is so true. I love the miracle of that story that the furnace was heated seven times hotter than normal and those who threw them in the fiery furnace were killed by the heat yet inside the furnace the king saw four men walking there and One was like the form of the Son of God! And it says they didn’t even have the camellia of smoke or even signed when they came out slice.
    Who else could do that but God?
    I so live what you say about the great fooolushness of making God to fit in your box fir Him and rejecting Him when He does not.
    Very sad to see those who’ve died with out Christ. The saddest deathbed I sat beside was my dear neighbour who would not believe no matter what... it was not a peaceful one like those who know Jesus. And that dear Patsy is when it really really matters.
    With the last breath we take..l will it count for good and for God for eternity?
    Thank you so very much for sharing. This really blessed me.
    Hugs Shaz in Oz.x #15.

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

    1. Sorry for all typos should have checked auto correct..
      It should read: “It says not even the smell of smoke of them or even singed clothes by the heat”
      ...., it’s the little details that bring that story to life and the words of the king about the fourth being like unto the Son of God...
      Blessings dear Patsy. X


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy