
Thursday, August 08, 2019

No Weapon!

“...the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Matthew 16:18

I always marvel at our business. In spite of how many mistakes we have made, how much still needs to be fixed after almost 52 years since it started, we are thriving. We just opened a new branch in SM City Bacoor, and I am so thankful for our staff who took care setting it up without our help. I remember when it was my mom, my sisters and I who had to go and fix the displays on the walls, the shelves, organize the stockroom. We would have to go up and down stools and ladders and it was such hard work! Now, we went to visit yesterday and it was all fixed so nicely. And many people came and bought. So grateful to God for our business and our staff who work tirelessly. 

Because I see God’s faithfulness in taking care of our business, and our family, I can see His faithfulness magnified a hundred million times in His Church. He promised that whatever darts and arrows the enemy will throw, no weapon forged against His Church will prevail. In spite of all the mistakes and sins committed by His people, His Pope, priests, nuns and missionaries, His pastors and even televangelists, His Church not only survives but thrives. There are communities all around the world on fire serving Him, striving to obey Him. 

There are evangelists like Nicky Cruz bringing the Holy Spirit of love and purification into the inner cities, changing the lives of hoodlums, drug addicts and gangsters since he was very young. There are nuns like 85 year old Sister Maria Concetta Esu, who has for the past 60 years, served the poor in Africa by bringing thousands of babies into the world. There are so many missionaries’ tombs in Africa, forgotten by the world, but not forgotten by God who knows each one by name. They are the soldiers of the Church. They are His workers toiling tirelessly in the fields. Are we too working to bring His Kingdom to earth? 

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy