
Friday, September 27, 2019

Who is Jesus ?

“Who do you say that I am?” Luke 9:20

In the 9th chapter of Luke, we read of Jesus asking the disciples who the crowds thought He was. Then He asked who they thought He was. Peter answered unequivocally that Jesus was the Christ, the Messiah. That is certainly not surprising considering that Peter was a witness to the miracles of Jesus. Jesus fed 5000 people with a meager five loaves and two fishes. Jesus healed many, including the woman with a hemorrhage, Jairus’ child, and the demoniac. He also calmed the strong wind and raging waves of a storm in the middle of the sea.  

Today, although there are many miracles, people scoff and are very skeptical. But in Africa, many are coming to know and meet Christ because of Heidi Baker, a Christian missionary since the 1980s, who proclaims God's Word to the poorest of the poor in dusty villages in Africa. 100 % of the deaf in Chiure have been healed, food has multiplied, sight has been restored, and yes, there have been people who were dead and came alive again. It is no wonder that God's Word has spread in that remote forgotten region of the world. Forgotten by men but not by God. He sent Heidi and her husband Rolland there so the people of Mozambique could meet and see Him.

The couple began with nothing when they started their ministry to the poor, homeless children in Mozambique. Now they are able to provide water, feeding programs, livelihood, schools. They were able to plant more than 7000 “bush” churches, 5 bible schools and 4 children’s feeding centers in Mozambique since 1990. 

She introduces Jesus to many because Heidi Baker met Jesus. She heard about Him and was convicted through a Navajo preacher's sharing while on an Indian reservation. Do we really know Jesus? If He asks us today, “Who do you say that I am?”, what will our answer be? If we really know Him, we will be eager to introduce Him to others!

1 comment:

I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy