
Monday, October 07, 2019

Good Samaritan

“Go and do likewise.” Luke 10:37

Sometimes there is much discussion about faith and good works. In Jesus’ story of the Good Samaritan, clearly Jesus highlights how important it is to do good. A man fell victim to robbers and is left half dead on the road. Both a priest and a Levite, an assistant to a priest, crossed to the other side of the road when they saw the wounded man. 

A man who was a Samaritan, sometimes described as half Jew and half Gentile, usually scorned by Jews, chose to stop and help. He poured oil and wine over his wounds and bandaged them. He carried the man up his animal and took him to an inn, giving the innkeeper money to take care of him. He even said he would give more on his way back if the innkeeper spent more than the two silver coins. 

I am trying to remember when I went out of my way to help someone. Instead I remember freezing when a lady fainted. A friend ran to help and I continued staring. A very bad example! But I offer the good example of my brother-in-law who stopped his car to help some nuns walking in the pouring rain carrying something heavy. It turned out they were serving in a prison ministry. 

I am sure there are many opportunities to be a Good Samaritan in our daily life. Sometimes we choose to look the other way, too preoccupied with our busyness. Sometimes, like me, we let others take the burden. Then there are those days we choose to be Jesus to others. Lord, may there be more days when I choose to be Your hands, Your feet, to have Your heart of compassion. 

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