
Wednesday, November 27, 2019


Here is my desk this morning. Trying out my new pen and ink set. The pen is glass, so pretty and it comes with several different colored inks. 

“It will lead to your giving testimony.” Luke 21:13

In another version this same verse reads, “And this will be an opportunity for you to give testimony.” To me, God has one aim, one goal: to bring us to heaven, to enjoy our company at His table. Everything He does is towards achieving His desire to have fellowship with us. The Bible is one long love letter to us, which gets revealed the more we delve deeper. 

Jesus said to His disciples, “I have said these things to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have troubles and difficulties. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”(John 16:33) Yes, if there is one thing we cannot escape, it is trouble. But the sufferings in this world is pruning the dead leaves in us so we will grow and bloom and bear fruit. God cannot have dead decaying trees in His beautiful garden. 

We can be victorious over our troubles if we stay faith full, steadfast and persevere.  We will be victorious if we read His word and make it quicken in us. And yes, we should always give our testimony, so others will be encouraged, and strive as well to live in the light of God’s mercy, love and faithfulness.


  1. Happy WOYWW Helen #2

  2. The pen is beautiful Patsy, must be a dream to draw with. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #8

  3. I do love those glass nibbed pens they give such control of the line. Beautiful work.
    Happy WoywW Tracey #4

  4. Hi Patsy. Seems like a long time since I was last here. Amen - how our Father in Heaven longs for our fellowship with Him.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #3

  5. It seems to have been ages since I visited your desk! Beautiful artwork as always and I love that pen, gorgeous!
    Hugs LLJ 7 xx

  6. Great to visit with you again! John 16:33 is my verse of the moment.... thank you for confirming that!
    Take care and stay blessed
    Christine #21

  7. Happy WOYWDW
    Pages looking good,

    Lilian B #13

  8. Have a lovely creative woyww. Hugs, Angela x15x

  9. Oh my Patsy, that glass pen is a work of art in itself! It would make me panic to see the ink running down the spiral - but I understand its a brilliant way for the ink to be delivered as you write or draw. Lovely to see you on WOYWW, even though I’m very late seeing you!


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy