
Friday, November 01, 2019

We will be Like Him!

“We are God’s children...we shall be like Him.” 1 John 3:2

We know what it feels like if we have lost a great amount of money. Perhaps through a scam, or confiscation, or if a thief stole it. We once put money in a bank in Canada back in 2004, when we could not accept payment for goods sold through PayPal in the Philippines. After several years we found out that all the money was gone and we received no help from the manager who just kept promising to find out what happened and to update us. 

What if we received P86,400 or $86,400 every morning, and at the end of the day, any unused balance would disappear? Wouldn’t we try our best to use all of it, and feel bad if we left some of it unused? Every day, we really receive a fortune of 86,400 seconds. At the end of the day, all of it is gone, never to be retrieved. How do we use it? Do we waste hours watching TV, lurking on Facebook, arguing, gossiping, and even worse, drinking immoderately or other vices? 

There are so many things we could be doing with our time that would make us better people. What if we used those hours, even the hours when we are at work, in learning how to be like Jesus, practicing to be like Jesus, or being Jesus to others? Then we would not regret any single second of our day. And one day, we will be like Him! 

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy