
Friday, March 13, 2020

Master Dreamer

“Here comes that master dreamer!” Genesis 37:19

Joseph’s brothers knew he was special, different, but instead of being drawn to him, they were irritated, jealous of their father’s favor, and wanted to kill him. They stripped Joseph of the multicolored coat their father Israel made, threw him into a cistern and sold him to traders for 20 pieces of silver. 

We are all but too familiar with sibling rivalry and favoritism and the middle child syndrome, but Joseph’s brothers took it to the extreme! Joseph went through so much hardship and trials and challenges, becoming a slave, then ending up in jail for years for doing the right thing. 

All that time, God had a wonderful plan for Joseph. He was walking with Joseph the entire time. He was working behind the scenes. One thing we can learn from Joseph is to trust God! Even if what is happening is totally disappointing, even if people we love fail us and do us wrong,

even if circumstances are worrisome, we must BELIEVE that God will make things right.

We should be confident that God has better things in store for us! God will make our dreams come true if we work with Him to make those dreams come true! We should not allow whatever happened in the past to come and haunt our present! We should know that God will RESTORE what the enemy has destroyed and God wants to do a new thing! God is faithful! Count on it! 

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy