
Thursday, June 25, 2020

Hope in the Lord

“Help us, O God our savior, ​because of the glory of your name, Deliver us and pardon our sins ​for Your name’s sake.” Psalm 79:9

The other day I was praying about many things. I was praying for our business, for wisdom to know what to do. I interceded for our many employees and their families. I implored God to bless and heal my brother who has colon cancer. Then I was asking God why He was not healing me. I am still coughing all the time, I need oxygen, I get tired just climbing the stairs. God did not answer me, and I went to sleep.

The next day I found out that while I was sound asleep, my husband Luigi smelled something burning. He was inside our bedroom and he went out to investigate, then came back inside. The outlet and plug of our airconditioner was so hot! It was a blessing he was still awake because the curtain was right next to the outlet and could have easily caught fire. 

It was as if God was answering my prayer of the night before. There are things in our life that God allows, and there are many, many things He saves us from. We just are not aware of them. We just need to trust Him. I have read many times that when autopsies are done, the coroner finds many diseases that are healed without medical intervention. In our life, God takes care of many things, protects us from accidents and even disasters that can change the course of our lives. There are many tragic stories about what happened on 9/11, but there are also amazing stories how some people were spared because they had to change a shirt, or they were fired from their job the day before, or because of traffic or some minor inconvenience. God’s ways are mysterious and we will never be able to fathom how He thinks or decides who lives or dies, who gets healed or when. We just need to pray and trust Him. Those who hope in Him will never be disappointed. 

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy