
Sunday, August 09, 2020

A Tiny, Whispering Sound

“Peter spoke up and said, ‘Lord, if it is really You, tell me to come to You across the water.’ ‘Come!’ He said. So Peter got out of the boat and began to walk on the water, moving toward Jesus.” —Matthew 14:28-29

How impulsive Peter is! How foolish, foolhardy even! He is very much like a child who is eager to try something new and strange. Are we like Peter? We know we cannot walk on water, but will we ask Jesus, “Lord, if it is really You, tell me to come to You across the water, and I will!”? “Lord, if it is really You, tell me to go to China to be a missionary, and I will! “ “Lord, if it is really You, tell me to pray over the paralyzed man, and I will!” “ Lord, if it is really You, tell me to not be anxious with all that is happening around me, and I will!”

In the first reading for today, 1 Kings 19, the prophet Elijah is waiting inside a cave for the Lord to pass by. 

“A strong and heavy wind was rending the mountains

and crushing rocks before the LORD—

but the LORD was not in the wind. 

After the wind there was an earthquake—

but the LORD was not in the earthquake. 

After the earthquake there was fire—

but the LORD was not in the fire. 

After the fire there was a tiny whispering sound. 

When he heard this,

Elijah hid his face in his cloak

and went and stood at the entrance of the cave.”

If we want to hear the Lord we have to be quiet, for most of the time, He does not manifest with much drama, thunder and lightning! We have to be still and know that He is God over the Universe, but wants to visit with us in our stillness. “Lord, if it is really You, speak to me in a tiny whispering sound.” 

1 comment:

  1. Good day, Patsyy! Thank you for this blog. I always look forward daily to visiting this. Inspiring and awesome! God bless you!


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy