
Saturday, January 30, 2021

You Will See Miracles

“Faith is the realization of what is hoped for and evidence of things not seen.” Hebrews 11:1

The twin of this verse can be found in Corinthians 5:7 which says: “For we walk by faith, not by sight.” In our pilgrim journey, we may not realize it but God is always asking us, “Do you trust me?” He is always with us, but He allows us to experience difficulty and hardship in order to stretch us, to grow us. This is painful, all the time, unless we can see with His eyes, and surrender to His will. 

My condition right now is not the best. I need oxygen 24/7, and get breathless going up the stairs, or even lifting up books, which I tried to do the other day in order to organize my working space. To a person who was always busy with all sorts of tasks, and someone who has so much stuff to organize, this can be frustrating. But I wake up in the morning with a song in my heart for God who has never failed me. I know He will not fail me now. I can look back to when I was totally unafraid before my open heart surgery, and know that God’s grace is a very real, concrete gift. I remember when I thought I would be devastated when my mom would leave us, but instead God chose to show me a revelation of heaven so real that I was able to rejoice on the day she died. When my brother was admitted to the hospital because of excruciating pain from his colon cancer, even if I was ready in my heart for God to take him away from us, God chose instead to give us a Christmas miracle and remove his pain and discomfort. Yes, I can say, I trust You Lord, with my life, and with the life of those I love. 

“Walk by faith, and not by sight,” is the motto of Sarah Claudia, who literally has to walk without sight. She has had to navigate each and every day, blind and partially deaf, since 2015. She wrote: “Without my sight or a pillar of fire to guide me, I had to turn to my faith. When faced with my disability, I couldn’t see the whole staircase, the whole big picture of my life, but I just took one little step at a time. Trusting that God would show me that next step and guide me as I went, just like Moses and the Israelites in the wilderness.” She shares in her book, “Blind Faith”, how God continually pivots her trials into triumphs, and her messes into messages. She has a blog where she gives her testimony and her experiences about how God can use us where we are. She even shared about ‘blind’ dating, and praying about marriage, and getting a proposal from a very prayerful man. Through her experiences, she shows how important it is to “trust that God can still work miracles within whatever circumstance we find ourself in, and how we must have the faith to allow Him to do so.”

While writing this now, I can hear this beautiful song in my head, “There can be miracles, When you believe, Though hope is frail, it's hard to kill, Who knows what miracles you can achieve? When you believe, somehow you will, You will when you believe!”

1 comment:

  1. I love that song from the movie Prince of Egypt. I’m sorry to hear of your difficulties with your health. I will pray for you tonight. I hope you will feel my prayers.
    God blessings,


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy