
Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Son of Encouragement

“There was a certain Levite from Cyprus named Joseph, to whom the apostles gave the name Barnabas (meaning 'son of encouragement')." Acts 4:36

What's in a name? This man Joseph must have been a real encourager to merit a change of name from the apostles! Sometimes God changes names in the Bible, but it's because of a future mission, like Simon to Peter (the Rock), or Abram to Abraham (father of many nations), Sarai to Sarah (Mother of many nations), Jacob to Israel (having power with God), etc. The name change had something to do with what God would make of that person. But in the case of Barnabas, the apostles called him Barnabas because of what Barnabas already was. He embodied the spirit of encouragement.

 After Saul was converted to the Christian way, and others were still skeptical about him, and avoided him, it was Barnabas who befriended and defended him. (Luke 9:26-27) He really gave Paul a chance to grow in leadership as he asked Paul to co-pastor with him in Antioch. (Acts 11:25-26) Paul and Barnabas undertook many missionary journeys. Barnabas also sold his land and gave the money to the apostles to distribute to those in need. Barnabas also liked giving people another chance, he didn't give up on them. Although Paul did not want to work with John Mark again as he had deserted them in a missionary journey, Barnabas insisted he would go with John Mark to Cyprus after a sharp disagreement with Paul. This only shows saints aren't perfect! These are real people who get disappointed, who need to work through disagreements, and fail in some way or another. And that's why we need encouragers like Barnabas!

Let's work towards a Barnabas spirit of encouragement! The Church needs more people to build others up, and bring out the best in others!

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy