
Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Unqualified Yet Chosen

“What reason can the Teacher have for eating with tax collectors and those who disregard the law?" Matthew 9:11

What possible reason did Jesus have for eating and drinking with tax collectors, these scum of the earth who betray their own people?!!!! This was the question posed to the disciples by the Pharisees. Obviously some of them had a high regard for Jesus. They called Him teacher, they listened to Him preach in the temple. Some even asked Him questions. But it puzzled them that He associated with the likes of Matthew the tax collector.

I like what is written in The Word Among Us: "What did Jesus see specifically in Matthew that led Him to call him? How would this self-centered tax collector help Him bring about the Kingdom of Heaven? What specific gifts did He bring?”

“Maybe Jesus saw that Matthew had a stubborn persistence and persuasiveness. It can't have been easy to squeeze money out of people on a regular basis! Maybe it was his education; some people believe that the Gospel that bears Matthew's name is the most finely crafted and best written of them all."

Like Matthew, we too have gifts and talents that God sees because He is the source of it! He wants to call us, to use us, to accomplish His purposes through us. Are we open and willing like Matthew the tax collector to get up and follow Him? It may be that we think of ourselves as unworthy or unqualified. Let God be the judge of that. He qualifies the called, and not the other way around. Who would have thought Jesus would choose fishermen to spread His Kingdom on earth? 

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy