
Sunday, February 19, 2023

Be a Lighthouse

“For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in the eyes of God…”1 Corinthians 3:19

Are we weathervanes or lighthouses? Weathervanes are made to revolve to show the direction of the wind. It is usually mounted to the top of a structure. I remember that my dad wanted to make one, a rooster, to rest on top of our building along Roces Avenue, at the very crest of the corner “tower”. 

Although weathervanes can be beautiful and artistic, people are not meant to be weathervanes. Last night we were talking of a politician who has been around a long time. There are so many memes about him, that he gave Eve the apple, that he helped in the construction of the pyramids in Egypt, etc. My husband said he was “user friendly”, and so he is. He changes with the political wind to survive. He changed his beliefs and his words depending on who is the sitting President. 

We were created by God not to be weathervanes but lighthouses. For several centuries, thousands of people perished in the perilous seas around Scotland. The only light along the coast was a coal fire that was easily extinguished when it rained. So in 1786 the Northern Lighthouse Trust was established with Robert Stevenson, the great great grandfather of the author of the classic book, “Kidnapped”, as the chief engineer. For the next two hundred years, four generations of the Stevenson family designed lighthouses and constructed them along the coasts of Scotland. It was not easy as they had to make the foundations so strong to withstand the enormous waves, and had to design lamps and lenses that could send a gleam of light across the battering seas for miles. Thousands of lives were saved that would otherwise have been lost in the storms.

If we stand with God, read His Word, stay on His path, we will be like lighthouses. Our light will keep shining even if there is a storm raging around us. Others will see our light, and we should also look for the light in others. Sometimes it may grow dim, but if we encourage each other, pray for each other, love and support each other, we can burn brightly so our world can be a better place to live in. 

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy