
Saturday, May 13, 2023

Seek What is Above

“Seek what is above, where Christ is seated...” Colossians 3:1

Facebook and Instagram and other social media platforms used to be a place where you showed your better side. People were kind, polite and encouraging. I don’t know what happened but it seems to me that there are more people who want to pick a fight about the oddest things. More people are unkind, intolerant, and lack a sense of humor. It saddens me when I read comments that are downright rude, insulting and unreasonable. People think it’s OK to judge others without knowing circumstances. What happened to civility, respect, and kindness? People leave Facebook because they can’t handle the aggression. Commenting on some Youtube videos is disabled because of the prevalence of hateful  remarks. 

Saint Paul wrote to the believers in the city of Colosse that they should live in a way that will always honor and please the Lord. “Always do good, kind things for others, and get to know God more and more. Let heaven fill your thoughts and always set your sights on the realities of heaven.” It would be easy to write that from the comfort of one’s home, but Paul was, for the second time, imprisoned in Rome, and awaiting execution. It would have been normal if he had some bitterness and doubt in his heart. After all, he was giving his all to the Lord, and there he was, chained! 

We may be facing difficult challenges, angry at somebody, or being unfairly treated. Let us remember that in all we do and say, we should always strive to do good and give glory to God!

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy