
Sunday, July 30, 2023

Heart So Wise

“I give you a heart so wise and understanding that there has never been anyone like you up to now, and after you there will come no one to equal you.” 

1 Kings 3:12

Solomon, the young son of King David, asked the Lord for an understanding heart to be able to do a good job as King over God’s people. How many of us would ask for this instead of riches or power? Very few indeed. The Lord was pleased with Solomon and granted him his prayer. He gave Solomon “a heart so wise and understanding.”

It would be good to study the lives of saints to see concretely how to be loving, understanding and wise to encourage our fellow men. People like Saint Teresa of Calcutta are exemplary examples for us. One time a priest was leaving the chapel together with the Saint after a time of prayer. The priest seemed bothered and St. Teresa sensed some of what he was feeling. 

She offered him some encouragement, “Father, never walk out of the chapel feeling discouraged. Never think that you accomplished nothing. Never get angry or bitter with yourself. Realize that you can still give God your time in prayer. Even if you feel like you accomplished nothing, you can still give God your nothing.

That is classic Mother Teresa, is it not? I am relieved that I can give my Lord my nothing, for sometimes it is all I have, along with mistakes, mess ups and missteps. 

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy