
Monday, April 01, 2024

The Lord is Our Portion

“O Lord, my allotted portion and my cup, you it is who hold fast my lot.” Psalm 16:5

I think the women were quite bewildered and befuddled with the events of Easter morning. How could it be that Jesus had risen from the dead? They saw His body bloodied and torn and broken just the Friday before. And now, miracle of miracles, the stone is rolled away, and Jesus meets them and even talks to them! They touch his feet, embrace his feet, too timid to hug His risen body! Then Jesus said to them, “Do not be afraid. Go tell my brothers to go to Galilee, and there they will see me.” They must have been so excited to be the bearers of such astounding news!

Why do we believe this amazing story? The Jews continue to believe that Jesus’ disciples stole His body in the middle of the night. Why don’t we give credit to this? First because the disciples were cowering in fear, hiding away somewhere they wouldn’t be found. That’s why it was the only the women who came to the tomb. In those days, women were not credible witnesses, their word would not have been believed. So if the story was concocted, they definitely would have said men found the tomb empty! But no, it was the two Mary’s who faithfully went to the tomb early in the morning.

One of the most convincing reasons why we believe in Jesus’ resurrection is because the timid, hopeless and fearful disciples were transformed into daring, courageous men who were confidently preaching with authority and boldly witnessing the resurrected Christ. They were willing to die to obey Jesus and most of them were martyred because of this. It could only be because they saw Him alive as they claimed, as did so many other people, in small groups and large groups, during the day, or night, outdoors and indoors. They risked their lives for the gospel. 

Today, we need not risk our life to talk about Jesus Christ or to follow His way. But we need to stand up for Him because little by little, our Christian way of life is being belittled and mocked. Even our former President attacked our God and our Church. In other countries, it is very difficult to be a Christian. Let us stand fast in our faith, holding on to the Lord who is our portion, and our inheritance! 

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy