
Monday, May 13, 2024

Take Courage

“In the world you will have trouble, but take COURAGE, I have conquered the world." John 16:33

There's no doubt about trouble. We all have it in one form or another! It's the way we deal with it that defines us.

Some act as if everything depends on them. And then there are those who know there is Someone who never leaves them, the One who says, "Take COURAGE, I have conquered the world."

I have to confess I am of the second variety. In our business, I have to depend on God a lot because I am not much of a "business expert". Last week, my sister and I were interviewed by a couple of journalists from Businessworld. One of them asked how we deal with challenges. My sister said that I had a good answer for that. I turned to her and asked, “Prayer, prayer, prayer?” We both laughed knowing that was not something taught in business school! 

But it’s true, if we have problems of any kind, our solution is PRAYER! If our sales are low, we pray! If we have problems with a government office, we pray! If we need to make a decision, we pray! God has not failed us in 56 years! 

God is our PARTNER in our business and we can take COURAGE in the future because Jesus has not only conquered the world, He has conquered our business!

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy