
Monday, July 15, 2024

Wash Yourselves Clean!

 "Wash yourselves clean! Put away your misdeeds from before my eyes." Isaiah 1:16

If we leave dirty clothes in hampers, and used pots and pans in the sink for too long, they will stink! Similarly if we don’t take a bath every day, especially here in the Philippines where it is hot and humid, we will for sure smell bad! 

Isaiah the prophet is calling us on to wash ourselves of the filth and sin that threaten to separate us from God. 

How great is God's love for us that He gave us this wonderful gift of forgiveness and reconciliation! And it is available to us every single day! Imagine if there was an abundance of water available for us to use, and we did not bathe every day! Instead we would go around smelly and dirty! What a pity! What a waste! God is not stingy with forgiveness.

Look at Rahab who was a prostitute but she is now listed in Jesus' genealogy, because she married Salmon, the great great grandfather of King David! She was forgiven for her many sins and is now included in God’s family. 

“So do not be afraid, you are worth more than many sparrows,” Jesus says in Matthew 10:29-30. Let us not be afraid to approach the Lord who is full of mercy and wants to wash us clean! All we need to do is be humble, recognize and repent of our sin. 

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy