
Monday, July 06, 2009

An Adventure with God

Numbers 18:20 The Lord said, "I am your portion and inheritance among the people."

People who don't know God are like heirs who have no idea that their father is a King who only wants the best for them. They scrounge around for food to eat and a place to stay unaware that if they read the Bible, it will teach them how to live a full and meaningful life!

As Christians, have a responsibility to wake people up! We can't keep this wonderful news to ourselves! There's enough treasure for everybody!

God is doing something all around the world, and if we're willing to be used, He will use us! It's exciting because we don't know what God is doing, but it's something big, and it's something NEW! We have to listen, obey and be prepared. Are you ready for an adventure with God? I am ready for an adventure with My Father!

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy