
Saturday, May 08, 2010

I am My Father's Daughter

When God created the world,

he found joy in the act of creating.

In Genesis 1:31, it reads,

“God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.”

And because our Creator found joy in making things out of nothing,

He wanted to share it with us.

He created man in His image-

with the capacity to create,

with the aptitude to create with passion.

He gave man gifts and blessings, talents and love.

He didn’t give these gifts to the animals, only to man.

We are born to create.

We are born to use our imagination.

When we create, when we bring something that wasn’t there into being,

we share in our Creator’s gift and blessing.

God created many beautiful things out of nothing.

I look at how beautiful the animals are-

the different kinds of birds, butterflies,

even the strange creatures under the sea.

Look at the magnificent trees and mountains, the sunset.

God took so much care in forming these things for us and Him to enjoy.

Some of the things He created we will never even see!

He created them for His pleasure!

We too can create for our pleasure.

We need not be making art for others to appreciate,

unless that’s part of our pleasure as well.

There is no limit to God’s creativity and imagination.

And I believe God also gave us, each of us,

creativity and imagination with no limit.

The more we use these gifts, the more we will have!

God didn’t destroy what to us are strange or funny creations.

Sometimes we don’t want to draw or paint because we say we can’t draw.

Take a tip from God who appreciates His creations whatever it looks like!

And I realized that we would be

like father, like daughter,

if I enjoyed my creations as well!


  1. I so agree!

    "For you are God's masterpiece. He has created you anew in Christ Jesus, so you can do the good things he planned for you to do long ago." (Ephesians 2:10 NLT)

    And being creative is one of those things.


  2. Love the sentiments and your work, it makes me happy to look at it.

  3. Lovely blog youve got there. Im a cristian too...
    Bless you...

  4. WOW! I wish I wrote this!

    You said exactly what I've been feelings. Sometimes I feel guilty for taking time away from all my daily responsibilities to create. Then I remind myself that my art is my personal way to pray, worship, and thank God and suddenly, all is well with my soul!

  5. yes, you do remind me of Him.

  6. You cannot imagine how very promising this post is to me. Loved it.... Your painting is so pretty. And that strange looking creature has me all a twitter wondering what is that? I admit I like weird things and mysteries. Many blessings of the day to you and thank you for stopping by my blog.

  7. What a good point to make! I love the fish picture, you are so right.

  8. thank you for your prayers and it is wonderful to see your beautiful art work - I love this one!
    Blessings to you,

  9. I love how you put bible verses and words of encouragement with you Art. I am in all of how you make these look so lovely. I will definately get pointers from your site. I plan on trying some of this over summer break when my kids are out of school. Still wow!

  10. Anonymous2:39 PM

    I'm in agreement with everyone here...this post is so very freeing. i also love how you incorporate God's words in your art and your blog...hugs!

  11. Anonymous2:39 PM

    I'm in agreement with everyone here...this post is so very freeing. i also love how you incorporate God's words in your art and your blog...hugs!


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy