
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday: Scrapbooking with ATCs

I am soooo frustrated! I can't find the drawings of the ladies I was going to put on my Dt. 6 canvas (see my last WOYWW post) and so I stopped working on it and decided to continue my scrapbook of my Europe trip last year.

I had just joined and posted ATCs. When someone wanted to trade, I would ask if they could make an ATC specially for me- with any of these themes- travel, Paris, Mona Lisa, Rome, Assisi, Madonna and child, etc. They usually obliged and I was able to use these ATCs made specially for me, for my scrapbook!

Here's my desk and what I've been working on, and some of the pages I finished, and the ATCs I have yet to use!
ATC from Janis Elain
Using Janis Elain's ATC on my Mona Lisa layout

Another layout with an Eiffel Tower ATC
ATCs waiting to be put on a page
Bird's eye view of my desk
What are those things?! (Clockwise top left)
container of brushes and scissors,
dirty water that needs to be cleaned 100 times,
Gel Medium,
acrylic paint, my layout,
the next set I'll be working on,
pile of pictures waiting to be used.

I find that when I'm using ATCs, I'm happy with a simple page. After all, I've got a miniature work of art already there on the page. With so many pictures to scrapbook, that's a big plus!

If you'd like to take a sneak peak at what other people have on their work desk, head over to Julia. I guarantee you'll want to join in on the fun!

To join my giveaway, scroll down below. Have a nice week!


  1. lovely atc's!!! and loved your simple pages too.

  2. Beautiful ATC's and oh what a busy desk.

  3. Hiya,

    oooooh your desk ooozes with creativity so nice to see, love all the atcs.


  4. Such a creative space. Fab ATC's.
    Clare x

  5. wow lovely ATC, great desk piccie, sue,x

  6. amazing atcs, your are truly talented! thanks for sharing, hugs mandyxx

  7. Fab LO of ATC's .. great idea for them :O))

  8. wow - some lovely ATC and layouts - hope you find your missing stuff - i wouldn't be able to rest until discovered - i'm sure you stuff is in the place you least expect it to be!!!

    Paula x x x

  9. Fab ATCs and a very busy desk :0)

  10. Lovely page layouts and great idea using ATC's that others have made for you too. Great craft area. Tracy Evans x

  11. ooh you're verybusy! Love the LO,, fab pics of course....and I love that you've got a good spread of newspaper on your surface - careful crafter!

  12. Lovely LOs, fab ATCs
    Anne x

  13. Fun scrapbook, lovely ATC's.

  14. Very creative - love your ATCs and the monalise one is beautiful - thanks for sharing (the plug in that I had in the wall is something that scents the room with 3 different not very creative but smells nice :))


  15. very creative looking desk love it.
    Christine x

  16. ooh nice creative desk - i loves!!! those ATC's are fab too xx

  17. Hey! Just wanted to say hello and Thanks for visiting my new art blog.
    Your site is beautiful!

  18. Some really fab artwork on your blog today.
    A x

  19. All looks wonderful, atcs' are scrummy.

    Toodles and Binks

  20. Fab ATC's and a great way of displaying them!


  21. Fab ATCs hugs pam

  22. O.My goodieness , loads going on in your crafty space, love those ATC's


  23. Oh you've shsared some wonderful things with us here today

  24. You always have such creative loveliness on your desk. I do hope you find your pictures soon. TFS. ~Glen~

  25. fabby layouts, and what a wonderful thing to use, tiny pieces of art from other people on your pages, a great melding of 2 people's work. Good tip, using newspaper, i should, but i don't and then i shout at my table for getting all painty lol

  26. I love your ATC's and how you used them in your travel journal. Great idea!

  27. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Brilliant idea to make LO's out of ATC's! I love the black and red background you made!
    P.S. Please come check out my new challenge blog! The first challenge starts Sunday, May 23rd. I hope to see you there! xo Kelli

  28. Great selection of ATCs.

    ** kate **

  29. Hi Patsy. I'm hoping that Crystal wins AI. Lee was good this week but Crystal is more consistent. Go Crystal! *Ü* ~Glen~

  30. Beautiful ATC's!

  31. I love the Mona Lisa layout! So awesome!

  32. Hello Patsy
    Thank you so much for visiting my blog and entering my give away by putting my button on your sidebar.
    You are the winner...
    I hope you will like it!
    Please email me your info and what you want on your collage. I am going out of town for a couple of days but I will be back on Tuesday and will be checking my email.
    Thanks again
    Many Blessings

  33. This blog and everything on it, all your collages and layouts and even your desk, it's all so beautiful. Pure eye candy. What a great morning treat and a lovely way to start my day.
    Thanks for coming by my blog so I could go by yours and feel so uplifted.

  34. Wow love your ATC's about my dear city of Paris. Great work.
    Even if I have nothing to do with it, I am always proud to see how much people enjoy their trip here, lol :)
    Thanks for visiting my blog too.

  35. you are my favorite artist! i think i am going
    to follow one of your tutorials, gather the
    supplies, and take them with me to colorado.

    i bet my girls would love creating such
    lovely cards!!!

  36. What an exciting desk - I love the idea of using other peoples ATCs in your scrap books and adore the ones you've shown.

  37. Hiya, Thanks for poppping over ot my blog again. My first love is ATC's but just can't find the tiome justr now for them. Love yours they are amazing.

  38. great mona lisa atc..what a great blog you have with all the links to tutorials..added you to my faves..thanks for your great comments on my blog


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy