
Monday, August 08, 2011


My bible reading for this morning 
was Matthew 17:22-27
where Jesus told Peter to go and get the 
first fish from the sea and in it he would find a coin
to pay the temple tax for both of them.

Jesus said, "The subjects are exempt."
In some translations, it says, 
"the sons" of kings are exempt.

We are sons and daughters of the 
King of Kings! We are princes
and princesses. We are exempt,
FREE, paid for.

When we do not remember or realize
this truth, we can be enslaved by so many things-
anxiety, insecurity, fear, sin, etc.
So many things can hem us in.

Like the prodigal son, we may think
it freedom to go off and do anything we want.
But he learned the hard way.
The real freedom is the freedom to
do the Father's will, to live according to the laws
He gave us for our good! 


  1. LOVE your art so much! What a gift from God you've been given!!!!

  2. What a nice reminder to all of us, Patsy! By the way, youth day is very near here in Santiago. You mentioned that your son is participating right? How is he doing? Is he in Spain already?

    Spanish Pinay

  3. thanks for the reminder..

  4. This is the second time I have read this reminder today.. God must be trying to tell me something. Thank you!

    Love your artwork!


  5. It's funny! I was watching TBN or CTN this morning, and the pastor was talking about this very passage. It's amazing how GOD pursues us when we take the time to see HE is pursuing us. HE desires the best for us as you grateful HE knows us better than we know ourselves!!

    Thanks and pray you are having a great day!!!

  6. Glad you are back at the Hear It, Use It link-up this week, Patsy -- we've missed you and your beautiful art! And isn't that the truth -- grace is the eternal exemption. Thank God for that!

  7. Anonymous10:15 PM

    I say this everytime I stop by, but I love your art! It makes me smile. And yes freedom is such a gift ... wrapped in grace.

  8. thank you for visiting my blog. and i love your blog!!! its very very inspiring!!! junque journal, junks/scraps??? i used old stashes i may mean them as scraps. lol!


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy