
Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Horror Vacui on my desk and on the floor

My desk is overcrowded.
Reminds me of the filipinos penchant for horror vacui,
which means we like to fill up every empty space!
On top of my desk is my journal.
Today my reading was from Colossians:
Let no abusive words be 
heard from your lips.
In Psalm 145:2, we read:
Everyday I will bless you.

May our lips always be used to 
praise and thank God,
to spread love,
to encourage and upbuild.

How sad when we use 
this precious and powerful gift of speech
to destroy relationships, 
to put down others,
to lie or deceive,
to gossip or spread confusion...

Thought you'd like to take a peek at
the pile of unfinished canvases I have lying around.

Here's another pile.
I've been busy preparing for a workshop
for 17 priests and nuns who need some
respite from their rigorous studying.

I thought of introducing them to making ATCs first,
as a sort of playing and to allow them to be 
comfortable with collage and painting.
Then to teach them 
creative faith journalling.
Then finally to get them started on a canvas.
Too much for a one day workshop?
We'll see! 
This is my first time to work
with priests and nuns
and I have NO idea what to expect!
Tune in next time for what happens this Saturday!

Oh, that's why I wasn't able to visit 
many of you-
have been occupied putting 
wall putty on ATC cards,
painting book papers,
making my talk and power point presentation.

Joining the lovely Julia for a 
peek at desks and projects!
and linking up with 

Why don't you join us?


  1. I don't live that Colossians verse very well. It's very good to see the reminder, right here in black and white.

    And your workshop with the nuns and priests? How exciting! I bet you will provide just the respite that they need!

  2. I can't wait to hear about your workshop! Praying that God leads you step by step, that He opens their heart to the creative spirit, and that y'all have so much fun!

  3. Gorgreous journal page love the verse!
    Good luck with the workshop ,hope all goes well can't wait to hear about it!
    Have happy creative wednesday
    hugs judex 6

  4. Fab page... and ... what's in the big black book on the RHS of the pic?? looks interesting! Tis my Bloggy Birthday so there are some giveaways on my blog :O))

  5. I sincerely hope that they are arty farty crafty nuns and priests if you have all that planned for one workshop!! It made me want to go and lie down just reading it all!! Love your journal page and your pile of canvases just make me green... cabbage green...

  6. Fab desk, I am sure there is space for something else on there somewhere.
    Happy WOYWW
    Cathy xx

  7. I am glad to see I am not the only one with piles of piles on and under my desk. Makes me feel so much better! Good luck with your workshop. I am sure they will do just fine and so will you.

  8. I bet you will have a great time with priests and nuns - it will be such a lovely day spent crafting with you - they will go away uplifted and refreshed. x Jo

  9. Hard work ahead, but lots of fun as well hopefully!! Have a good week :) xx

  10. I hope you enjoy your workshop. Have a fab Wednesday cheers Elaine

  11. Ooh - your desk is busy, very busy. Love your journal page though - great colours to go with the words. Your workshop will go down a storm.
    Thanks for sharing - Hugs, Neet #4

  12. love the bright journal page! hope the workshop goes well.

  13. it can also be known as space-a- phobia, the dreaded fear of seeing an empty inch of desk or floor...ha ha

    lovely blog today and you are your own role model, ever and always , sweet, kind and charming,


  14. Great journal page! I'm interested to see what comes out of those canvases. :) Good luck with your workshop. :)

  15. Well, if only more folks lived by the advice from the reading, life would be a lot more pleasant. Good luck with the workshop - should be interesting:) Elizabeth x #50

  16. Lol, you should see my desk then! Your workshop will be a wonderful blessing x

  17. Busy busy! Thanks for finding the time to share with us, I am always encouraged and blessed here. Have a lovely day.

  18. Useful scripture sentiment. I am sure your workshop will be successful. Hope you post some photos at a later date.
    Have a great day
    Carol C

  19. Love your space, and your journal style, thanks for sharing, Jenny

  20. Anonymous9:01 PM

    Love your journal. It does sound like a packed one day course but one I'd love to be on! Happy woyww! Mel #33

  21. Anonymous9:35 PM

    Love your journal entry for today! So visually expressive! And, I am fascinated to know how your workshop works out this weekend. Your plan sounds a bit ambitious - but not impossible with the right group of people. Look forward to the end result! Take plenty of photos!
    Miss Kathy

  22. Look forward to hearing about the workshop, it sounds great. Better to plan too much than too little.

  23. Happy WOYWW! Lovely crafty bits abound :D. Sounds like a wonderful workshop! #83

  24. Lovely busy looking desk - and your journal page is just beautiful! Gorgeous colours and I love the face you've drawn.

    Thanks for sharing - and good luck with your workshop! :)

    Ali #77

  25. That is a full desk ....I can never keep mine clear ...always full. I love your page ..very vibrant.

  26. Lovely artwork there - good luck with the workshop I am sure you will enjoy every minute of it.

  27. So much on your desk, you've been busy! great canvases! thanks for the snoop ;)

  28. Horror vacui! How appropriate for my work area! Just discovered your blog and am so inspired by all your creations!

  29. As usual your journal page is inspiring! I am a teacher at an all girls Catholic school and have to deal with a girl tomorrow that uses her words as weapons against everybody she meets. The school has been trying very hard to be understanding and to lead her to understand how destructive she is, but it has now gotten to a point where we can no longer tolerate this behaviour in the interest of our other students. So, tomorrow she will recieve her final written warning, after this we will have no other option but to expel her if she continues to behave as she has been. I could really use some prayer warriors to help me pray for the right words to say and for wisdom to finally get through to this prescious young girl.
    You don't need to worry about working with nuns and priests. Some of the funniest and most creative people I know are the nuns at our school. Good luck with your class, I am sure it will be wonderful.

  30. great looking desk. Love the journal pages. Have fun working at the workshop. Vickie

  31. Filling every space..I thought it was a female thing...! I think you'll make a great teacher and the priests and nuns will be amazingly receptive to your work for sure. I'm going to hazard a bet that your style of journalling your faith will be the most liked. Have fun!

  32. I would love to come to one of your workshops.
    Too bad the Philippines is so far away.


  33. Love the horror vacui! And love the sentiments on your latest work. How very true. As the Book of James says, the same tongue is used for blessing and cursing! What a responsibility we have to use our tongues only for the glory of God, and how often we fail.

  34. Just discovered your blog. What fun! I love your self portrait in the banner. The combination of the drawing and the photo is adorable.

  35. Gorgeous journal pages, hope the workshop goes well, bringing craft to nuns and priests is fantastic, especially as they meet and change so many peoples lifes and may now be able to help people express themselves through craft. Kezzy x


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy