
Monday, June 25, 2012

How wonderful are all Your works!

" Learn from the way
the wildflowers grow...
not even Solomon in all his splendor
was clothed like one of them." 
Matthew 6: 28-29

I am always amazed at the beauty
of flowers and plants,
the variety, the smells,
how sturdy they are,
or how fragile.
God gave thought to each of them.
And he thinks of us too! 
Much much more than the wildflowers
in the field! 

" You formed my inmost being;
you knit me in my mother's womb.
I praise you,
so wonderfully you have made me;
how wonderful are all your works!"
Psalm 139: 13-14

Another favorite of mine!
I remember when I was pregnant
with my son,
and I would pray every day for him.
When he came out,
he was perfect in every way! 
Indeed, I praised the Lord
for His handiwork!

I have a confession to make-
I have been feeling guilty
at not being able to return everyone's visits.
Your encouraging and enthusiastic comments 
have meant so much to me!

So I decided as a thank you,
to give either an ATC or a little painting
every week to someone
who has been kind enough to
leave me a comment.
I usually make 3 posts a week,
so I'll add that up and 
put it in a random generator.
Of course I'll still make the effort
of visiting and commenting
for I so enjoy that too! 

I love blog parties!
Won't you join us?
On In Around button



  1. Great post--the art is perfect for the verses!

  2. The way you weave together His Word with your art is stunning!

  3. I can understand that you can't visit everybody and leave comments, you have so many followers. BUt anyway, your post always inpires that is why we are coming back, comments or no comments:)

  4. I understand as I have been feeling guilty lately as well! We just can't do it all. No other excuse.


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy