
Friday, July 27, 2012

Paint Party Friday: A Hundred Fold

The verse I want to illustrate today
so that I will remember it the whole day:
"But the seed sown on rich soil,
is the one who hears the Word 
and understands it.
who indeed bears fruit
and yields a hundred
or sixty or thirty fold."
Matthew 13:22-23

Step one: Find a background where I can 
find a gardener.
There she is! Bending down to sow seeds!

There now, I'm sure you can see her too!

I started drawing the Word of God 
in my journal in 2006.
I noticed that if I draw it or make a collage,
I am able to remember and mull on it
during the day.
Before, I used to pray in the morning
and forget about what I prayed about
at 10 in the morning! 
What a pity! 
There is so much life and blessing in the Word!
It is like a seed- so much potential,
life and energy!

If we understand the Word,
embed it in the soil of our hearts,
it can bear fruit a hundredfold! 
" Knowledge of the mysteries 
of the Kingdom
has been granted to you!" 
Matthew 13:11

Don't allow the Word to
be strangled by the thorns of anxiety,
discouragement or busyness! 

I truly appreciate your visits and comments.
Although I try my best to return your visits,
between family life, work and commitments
to my Christian community,
it's just not possible! 

As a thank you to all of you wonderful people 
who take the time and effort to leave a comment,
I pick one of you every week to receive an ATC
from me or a postcard of one of my paintings.
The RNG picked Jennifer Carter on Monday morning.
And she chose a postcard of my canvas.

Linking with

sneak peek 


  1. As I look at your pictures and think about you working on them I so appreciate the image you present. God created each of us with unique gifts and abilities. We can use them to enrich our grasp of His word. The wonder of it is He uses our gifts also to minister, encourage and inspire others as well. He is so ABUNDANT and generous in His ways...beautiful...your words, pictures always inspire me. Excellent points today.

  2. I love the one where she is sowing seeds.

  3. Thanks for that detailed description of your faith journal. What a wonderful way to celebrate and remember God's word!

  4. Oh WOW. I love your work! Just beautiful, and so encouraging. Blessings!

  5. Lovely gardener! I like all your works and fun to see the process of bringing this one to life. HPPF.

  6. What a way to bring your prayer into relief; into a continuous stream that picks up steam throughout your day. word made flesh, so to least on paper. Thank you for this.

  7. Excellent post and wonderful piece. Thanks for the descriptions. Happy PPF!

  8. Anonymous11:32 PM

    Beautiful as always. I am loving the idea of this kind of journal.Thank you for sharing this Patsy!

  9. Such lovely work! Happy PPF!

  10. Once again I am struck by how you use your backgrounds. Just as a background the colors seem so strong but once you put your focal point on it the background becomes a gentle supporter of the image. Love it!

  11. This is beautiful. I've been memorizing Psalm 121 this week - I should try turning it into art and see what I get. I bet I'd remember it better that way.

  12. Lovely creations with design and colors! ~~ thanks, namaste, (A Creative Harbor)

  13. Patsy,
    I love that your artwork is your form of prayer!
    How powerful and wonderful to utilize the talents God has given you!
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  14. Thank you for showing the prosess, beautiful work.

  15. you do capture your chosen scriptures really perfectly... always interesting to see some of your process as well...xx

  16. Very pretty!!

    Hugs Giggles

  17. Drawing the Word. There's so much in those three words. And so much in the life you bring to them with your art. Thank you!

  18. very pretty. and great profile face. I am no so great with these!

  19. This is fantastic and a great way to journal...I just may have to borrow your idea :0)

  20. Hi Patsy! I just love the ethereal, translucent quality of your backgrounds! Would be very interested in seeing some close-ups, to be able to visually dissect the different layers of paint and collage!

    Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog...I usually use clear gesso b/c of its versatility in creating tints and color washes! :-)

  21. Hi, popping in from Artists in Blogland. just wanted to say you have some nice textures going on and i am really diggin ghte fresh colors and the freedom of your paintings

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. lovely post! having trouble with comments today. thanks for sharing!

  24. Hi thanks for visiting me, yes it is scarey painting real people, you are so often judged on the likeness and not the merits of the work. Anyway I love your backgrounds and the verses you chose. A wonderful idea for your journal, I might copy it, it will give a real focus to the word. Very inspirational!

  25. I just love your artwork so much! Thanks so much for your kind comment on my Table for Two post!

  26. I agree-Art is a great reminder of things that are important to us, because those are the things we create whether consciously or unconsciously. Also it's fun to see your gardener girl come to life.

  27. I love how you "find" pictures! Just wonderful!

  28. Oh, the blessing of bearing fruit, drawing the "planted grown seed" to the Lord. Need to always keep that in my mind and heart.

  29. I love your sown seed page. Just beautiful and I love that verse!!

  30. This is a lovely painting. Being a gardener myself I can fully relate to the seeding part, and then see all the plants grow. It's such a beautiful process.

  31. Such wonderful artworks!. I love that verse also; very encouraging!

    Cheers and God Bless!

    Visiting from Fresh Brewed Sunday.

  32. Your art is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!

  33. Anonymous12:41 AM

    I love your work and your heart!

  34. Thanks Patsy for dropping by my blog, so nice to have you :) Wow, you are so very talented. I am your latest follower, hope you can follow me back.

  35. I LOVE how you combine art with the word. I can't wait to show my daughters your journal- they are both artists at heart- sure to be inspired by your gifts! Thanks for stopping by the Overflow this weekend, too. Always a treat!

  36. Your spreads are so uplifting and I love seeing progress shots. Love your gardener. :)

  37. Each week I look forward to seeing which scripture you have illustrated. This one is beautiful as are all your works.

  38. Such wonderful verses and you illustrate them perfectly. :)

  39. Love the way you illustrate scripture with your beautiful art. Thank you for sharing again.

  40. Comfortabl y, the post is actually the sweetest on this valuable topic.


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy