
Friday, January 04, 2013

PPF: Come and See!

In the first chapter of John, 
John the Baptist pointed Jesus
out to his disciples.
"Behold the Lamb of God 
who takes away the sins of the world."
John 1:36

When the two disciples followed Jesus,
Jesus asked them,
"What are you looking for?"
He asks us too!
"What do you seek?"
"What is it that is important to you?"
"What are you dreaming and hoping for?"
"What are you longing for?"
"What are the deepest desires of your heart?"
Sometimes we do not even know 
because the world is full of deception
and leads us in many different paths.

Jesus' invitation to all of us is gentle.
He does not force us or manipulate us.
He does not deceive us.
"Come and you will see."
John 1:39
I come and follow and I see
how much He loves me,
how much He wants the best for me.
When I follow Him,
I see that He has much more 
wonderful plans and dreams for me
than I do for myself!

That is why I am 
always excited about the future-
because my future is in His hands 
and I can't wait to see
more of the dreams He has for me!

Every week I choose one wonderful visitor
who leaves a comment
to receive an ATC from me.

This week, chose
#15, Zena of 
Join her on her journey
of living intentionally!

I know it takes so much time and effort
to leave a comment
and I appreciate it so much!


  1. I always love to stop by your blog to take a look at your new creations. I really like your style and the inspiration you provide.

  2. I love the first piece--very very powerful piece!

    Happy Paint Party Friday!

  3. both pieces are terrific but am so loving your painting of John the Baptist. Happy PPF, Annette x

  4. enjoyed seeing some male images to illustrate your verses so beautifully... I know you do them sometimes, but these really have worked well... hope you had a wonderful New Year...xx

  5. Wonderful pieces, love the smiling John the Baptist! Happy PPF!

  6. So thankful to see you linked up first, Patsy! ANd your words and art just bless ! I just love the way you are able to make scripture come alive (even though it is ALIVE!) through your creative expression/art.

  7. I love to see your illustrated scriptures, Patsy. You have such talent.

  8. All so beautiful, Patsy -- the art, the Scripture, your thoughts! You glorify God greatly in your blog & I'm sure in your life as well.
    God bless,

  9. "He has much more wonderful plans and dreams for me than I do for myself!" This is so true, Patsy, but how often I forget. In this world, we operate so often from a place of scarcity, forgetting that His well never runs dry! Thank you for the reminder, and happy new year!

  10. Beautiful art and the words He gave you to go with the paintings absolutely touched a place in my life that needed shoring up. You can't imagine. A prayer for someone close--His call is gentle. And when we answer, He reveals more than we could ask or imagine. Thank you!

  11. Wonderful, wonderful portraits again this week! :)
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  12. Patsy, your artwork is so beautiful and your words inspiring. I just love John the Baptist!!!! You are glorifying God through your art and we are so blessed that you choose to share with us at Word Art Wednesday! Blessings to you!

  13. Absolutely stunning art, Patsy. This is just such a treat. THANK YOU for sharing this with us.
    Word Art Wednesday

  14. Patsy,
    That wan an adventure looking at your cards. Reading about your TRUST in God was like a refreshing breeze. I am secretly hoping to win sometime this year. You and your wonderful work are a blessing to the Body of Christ and anyone who stops by.
    Thank you for joining us at Word Art Wednesday.
    Carole Robb Bisson
    May the Lord Bless you and keep you!

  15. Oh I love this post, and it really fits with some things I have been thinking recently about seeking and about what we seek and coming to the conclusion that it is not 'what' but 'who' that we need to seek after.


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy