
Friday, January 18, 2013

PPF: Jesus' Mouth and Hands

Today marks the start of the Octave of Prayer
for Christian Unity.
This international movement
started way back in 1908
and was developed by a group of 
Orthodox, Catholic and Protestant scholars
living in India.

Today's readings focus on 
"Conversation has been central 
to the ecumenical movement,
as it opens up spaces for learning from one another,
sharing what we have in common,
and for differences to be heard and attended to.
In this way, mutual understanding is developed."

Like any normal family,
we have our shares of differences.
We also have a family business
and that makes it more complicated.
But I remember, ever since we were young,
if there was a problem, 
my mom would initiate the conversation
and she would NOT stop until we 
understood each other.

Touch is also important.
Yesterday I read the story of the leper
who approached Jesus for healing.
(Mark 1:40-45)
Jesus touched the leper.

"How long had it been since this man
had experienced the touch of another person?"

Talk and touch.
Let us be Jesus' mouth and hands
here on earth!

Every week I choose one wonderful visitor
who leaves a comment
to receive an ATC from me.

This week, chose
#42, Queenie Jeannie of 
She makes fabulous cards
but claims she has no talent!
Does not make any sense to me!!

I know it takes so much time and effort
to leave a comment
and I appreciate it so much!

Linking with

Sometimes I put on my best pajamas and
join these wonderful blog parties!!!


  1. lovely reminder to be mindful of words and touch... such a pleasure to visit...xx

  2. Great reminder that we need to connect with each other. Hope you have a wonderful day. :)

  3. Very meaningful post, and yes...touch is SO important. I often think of the story of the woman who simply touched the hem of Jesus' garment, and could feel His awesome power. And Jesus KNEW that someone had touched his garment, and could also "feel" that connection. Remember that story? Wonderful! I often dream of having been alive during the time when Jesus walked the earth among us, and how wonderful it would have been to see Him. Well, we WILL see Him, won't we, Patsy! Praise God!!! I hope He comes soon.
    Thanks again for sharing with us. You bless my heart over and over again, and I thank God for you!
    Word Art Wednesday

  4. Lovely post and your art is fabulous....Happy PPF!

  5. Beautiful artwork. Happy PPF and enjoy the weekend, Annette x

  6. Wonderful post and magnificent art work in your journal ~

    Great message also ^_^

    (A Creative Harbor) ^_^

  7. Lovely post and art, thank you for sharing!

  8. Beautiful, beautiful portraits again this week, Patsy!
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  9. Lovely art and lovely post. Conversations are how we often figure out our direction. A loved one or a stranger can say just the right words at just the right moment that can be so meaningful to our lives. Beautiful.

  10. really thoughtful and beautiful pieces Patsy. Happy PPF!

  11. Very nice. I want to learn more about the Octave of Prayer...thanks so much for sharing these beautiful and healing words.

  12. Very nice Patsy. Your journal is awesome.Thanks for sharing.

  13. Very nice indeed! Happy PPF!

  14. Patsy,
    It amazes me every week how you complete such a work of art that hold up the things of God.
    Thank you for joining us at Word Art Wednesday.
    Carole Robb Bisson
    The Blessing of the LORD be Upon You!

  15. Beautiful works of art, Patsy.
    Thank you for highlighting why touch is so important. I work with those who are chronically ill and always make sure to touch my clients. Many have not had their hand held in too many years.
    A woman once touched Jesus and even the caress of His garment sent healing to her bleeding womb! May we be reminded that we are Christ's instruments of healing in this broken world. Every blessing, Kelly

  16. wonderful faces...lovely pages!

  17. Beautiful! Love this... "Let us be Jesus' mouth and hands here on earth!" I love the hand under the girl's face... a precious image!

  18. Suc a lovely post - your words and your paintings!

  19. Another set of wonderful and inspiring artworks. Love the colors and the drawings wer so nice...Thanks for blessing us with your project today at Word Art Wednesday. Hugs, always!

    JO ANN


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy