
Friday, November 29, 2013

PPF: Bless the Lord!

For Paint Party Friday,
I have this on my desk:

"Heaven and earth will pass away
but My words will not pass away."
Luke 21:33
Jesus was talking about the "signs of the times"
in this passage. 
That when you see the buds of the fig tree burst open,
you know summer is near.

When we see earthquakes, typhoons, signs in the sky,
we should know the end is near!
I guess the end is nearer now than it was before!
But even if the end of the world will
not come in our lifetime,
one thing is for sure-
OUR end is coming!
And we should prepare for that!!!

One of the ways to prepare
is to be confident our lives are in God's hands.
And because of that,
we just have to learn to trust Him,
to praise and thank Him IN everything!

"Light and darkness, bless the Lord!"
Daniel 3:72
In light and in darkness, bless the Lord!!

Every week I choose one wonderful visitor
who leaves a comment
to receive an ATC from me.
I know it takes so much time and effort
to leave a comment
and I appreciate it soooo much!

This week, chose
 #23, Deborah at Green Willow Pond.
She has a lovely, homey blog
and a warm personality to match.

Linking with

Sometimes I put on my best pajamas and
join these wonderful blog parties!!!
So many WONDERFUL blogfriends to discover!

Thank you for dropping by!
You are appreciated!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

WOYWW: Getting Out of the Wilderness!

I can't believe how fassst this year went!
It is almost December, 
the last month of the year!
I think as we get older, time just goes zippp!
My son who is 18, says his year has not gone so fast!

Yesterday I was painting this.
My way of dealing with stress.
As some of you know, my mother
is having a difficult time.
I do so appreciate your prayers for her!

This morning I read from the Book of Daniel:
"Bless the Lord; praise and exalt Him
above all forever!"

 Did you know that praise is a spiritual weapon?

 When we are in a difficult situation, 
we should praise God all the more.
When what we face seems hopeless,
we should shout out our praises!

Praise lifts our eyes from the seemingly desperate situation
to what is possible with God!
Nothing is impossible with God!

 There is an example of a hopeless battle in 2 Chronicles 20.
After King Jehoshaphat realized that the battle was not His
but God's to win, he appointed people to praise God.
And the battle was won!
Is there are a battle you are fighting now?
Perhaps an addiction that has plagued you for years,
anxiety or fear, envy, or unforgiveness?
Whatever it is, give the arena over to the Lord
and allow Him room to move.

"Your mind is where the battle rages 
most fiercely, not the world.
So take those thoughts captive
and rest on His mercy!"
There is a saying that "The attitude we have
while in the wilderness
determines how long we are going to stay there."

So we have to make sure that when we are 
undergoing challenges,
that our attitude is positive, hopeful,
trusting in God,
and full of praise and thanksgiving!
That way, we'll get out of the wilderness
sooner than later!!!!

Every week I choose one wonderful visitor
who leaves a comment
to receive an ATC from me.
I know it takes so much time and effort
to leave a comment
and I appreciate it soooo much!

This week, chose
 #23, Deborah at Green Willow Pond.
She has a lovely, homey blog
and a warm personality to match.


Monday, November 25, 2013

Giving is not a One Time Thing!

The story in the Gospel of St. Luke, 
chapter 21, verses 1-4,
about the poor widow giving 2 copper coins
is difficult for me to deal with.

Jesus says she with her meager offering
gave much more than the rich people
who put in much more money.
It is true, hers was a sacrificial offering.
She gave much more than she could afford!

How much did it cost me to give
what I gave to the victims of Haiyan?

I have to confess that after what we gave,
we still eat good food, 
my son was able to watch Catching Fire, 
and I was able to buy a gift for a wedding. 
Jesus is watching and
He won't say, "Patsy gave of her livelihood."

Yesterday was Christ the King Sunday,
instituted by Pope Pius XI in 1925
in response to the secularism,
the atheistic and totalitarian regimes of that time.

Christ came to establish His Kingdom.
And His Kingdom is not like the Kingdoms of this world.
People admire philanthropists 
who give millions to charity.
Would they see, like Jesus, the poor widow
who gave 2 copper coins?
Would they laud her for it?

It takes courage to live as a 
child of the RESURRECTION.
To live with Kingdom values.
But it is a step by step growth.

When my salary comes at the end of the month,
I can open my heart a little wider
and give more.
Giving is not a one time thing!

I am soooo grateful to the wonderful wonderful
people around the world who are one with us
during this difficult time!
And so many people, doctors from all around the world, 
even went to Tacloban and to the other stricken areas
to help amidst the most inadequate facilities.

If you would like to open your heart again,
If you would like to donate,
you can course your help through

Every week I choose one wonderful visitor
who leaves a comment
to receive an ATC from me.
I know it takes so much time and effort
to leave a comment
and I appreciate it soooo much!

This week, chose
Visit her blog to see her
fabulous paintings and other
things to inspire you!